17| The World Above Our Heads

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"Ales! Wake up!"

A familiar voice rang through my ear as I felt a pair of arms shook my body violently by my shoulders. Struggling, I opened my heavy eyes and was welcomed by the redhead girl.

"Get yourself ready, Ales!" she said, shaking me even harder.

"Stop! I'm awake!" I yelled at her and pushed her arms away. "What is it? A distress call?"

"No you idiot. Your lesson with me starts in thirty minutes, and it is the final one of the 'intense training' course," she said, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Don't tell me you forgot about it."

I sighed, before I made an effort to shoot Trixie my best puppy eyes. "Come on Trix, you know how late Eli and I stayed up to play Among Slugs! Please, let me sleep in for another ten minutes?" I pleaded, but her eyes showed no mercy.

"No. Go wash youself up, sleepy head," she said before pulling me out of bed and shoved me into the washroom. She slammed the door behind me, jolting me awake. I let out a huge yawn before I did my morning routine and headed downstairs with panda's eyes.

"Good morning," Mia greeted from the couch as she was the first one to spot me. "Morning," I greeted back, and waved at the rest of the gang. Kord and Pronto were having breakfast at the dining area and Eli was sitting next to Mia, surprisingly wide awake, given that we stayed up until four last night. My slugs quickly noticed me and a whole group of them ran up to me to greet and ask for their daily hugs and pets. I quickly granted their requests before I went to sit beside Mia.

"Okay students," Trixie started as she sat on the couch across us. "Let's start."

"Why is Eli here?" I questioned, pointing at the new student in class.

"It is because today's lesson is quite important, and Eli is here to ensure that there won't be any misinformation," Trixie explained and Eli simply nodded.

"So, in today's lesson, we're going to talk about, the Burning World, the world above our heads," Trixie started. "But before we continue, there're a few rules you have to know. This is a Shane's secret, and you are responsible to keep it hidden from Slugterra, even if that means sacrificing your own life."

Mia and I exchanged a glance and gulped.

"Just kidding," Trixie continued as we let out a breath that we didn't know we were holding. "But still, this is serious. If someone finds out about this secret, both Slugterra and the Burning World will fall."

"You're saying that there's humans living in a burning world?" I asked, questioning my knowledge, and Trixie nodded. "But how can their body withstand the temperature?"

"To be honest I've been wondering the same thing," Trixie confessed and we turned our attention to Eli.

"Well, to start off, the Burning World isn't technically burning," Eli explained with a small chuckle. "There's this yellow dwarf star, called the Sun. It hung in the sky like a hot ball of glowing gases at the heart of our solar system, with its gravity holding the system together, keeping every planet and particles of debris in their own orbits. The Burning World is just one of the planets, and Slugterra is in the same planet as the world above us."

"Unbelievable, huh?" Trixie said with a wide smirk.

"Not really," I mumbled, and the gang looked at me as if I was an alien. "The world we came from is built exactly how you just described the Burning World," Mia further explained.

Shock crossed their faces as Eli and Trixie exchanged a look.

"Eli, could it be-"

"No," he replied before Trixie can finish her sentence. "No human can survive the drop without the necessary equipment."

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