Chapter 3

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It took two hours but finally everything was out in the open. There were no more secrets. It had been a long and difficult explanation and a lot of tears were shed. Hermione didn't leave anything out and Bella and Charlie were both awed and horrified at hearing all the things the little witch and her friends had been up to for the last seven years of their lives.

Hermione was currently sitting on the armchair in the living room, with Harry perched on the armrest beside her holding her hand tightly, gauging the reaction of her family.

In front of them, on the couch, Bella and Charlie were both sporting shocked expressions on their faces at a loss for words.

Charlie was the first to break the silence.

"Oh, my sweet 'mione. You are absolutely incredible. One of the bravest people I know and I am so proud of you."

Bella then stood up and walked over to the armchair and reached for Hermione to hug her. She had tears threatening to fall from the corner of her eyes and she was absolutely heartbroken for her cousin after hearing everything she had suffered.

"You are so brave 'mione." she whispered.

Hermione was incredibly grateful for the kind and understanding words of her family and she felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders after opening up to them.

But there was still one thing left to say and it was the hardest.

"Uncle Charlie, there is a reason if I moved next door with Harry and there is a reason if you didn't hear from mum in a while..." she couldn't help it, she burst into tears.

Harry, seeing his best friend in distress put a comforting arm around her shoulders and took over the explanation, knowing that the memory was still too painful for her to go on.

"Chief Swan-"

"Please, call me Charlie."

Harry gave him a small smile and continued. "Charlie, there is no easy way to say this but your sister and her husband were murdered by a death eater still on the loose."

Bella gasped and more tears started trickling down her face.

Charlie approached his niece holding a sorrowful look and embraced her, both for his and her comfort. He couldn't believe his sister was gone.

After a few minutes Harry cleared his throat awkwardly to gain their attention. He didn't want to break the moment but it was important that they had all the information.

"We fear that you might be his next target, being connected to Hermione. That's why we are here. For your protection." he shared a look with Hermione and added "We understand that this is a lot to take in. We'll be leaving you a bit of space while we place some security measures around the area."

With that he made his way to the door and waited patiently for Hermione, who approached him a few moments later and after exchanging a comforting hug the exited they house and set to work to place the protective wards.

It didn't take long, considering it was one of Hermione's strong suits. She did become quite proficient during their year on the run.

Once they were satisfied with their work they decided to go home, Harry's grumbling stomach reminding them that it was lunch time.

While Hermione headed for kitchen to prepare some food, Harry made his way to the library to retrieve some writing material. He joined Hermione a few minutes later and settled himself on the counter before speaking up.

"So, I was thinking... This afternoon we could have a look around to get a feeling of our surroundings and maybe we could create a map of the area so as not to have any blind spots in case of emergency."

"That is actually a good idea, Harry."

Harry rolled his eyes at her tone of surprise and muttered "I have them too sometimes."

Hermione merely gave him an innocent look in response.

"Okay. I remember a bit about the town from the summers I spent here. And La Push too. But I never ventured in the woods so maybe we should start from there." said Hermione motioning for Harry to move to the dining room.

"It's settled then." replied Harry once they were both seated.

Various plates came floating from the kitchen and placed themselves in front of the hungry teens. They ate in a comfortable silence and after tidying up they prepared for their scouting trip.

The first two hours were uneventful. The woods were quiet and aside from scattered leaves and the odd animal in passing the didn't encounter anything remarkable. There was however a clearing which they both agreed to visit again since it was the perfect spot for dueling and training.

After another ten minutes of nothing interesting Hermione had an idea.

"Harry, I think we should shift. Maybe with the heightened senses we can discover something more."

"Brilliant, Hermione! Why didn't I think of that?" replied Harry.

"Wouldn't want your head to explode." said Hermione cheekily.

"Very funny."

He rolled his eyes and he transformed in his Animagus form. A moment later an imposing stag stood in his place.

Hermione took her cue and shifted too.

It had been a shock for her to learn with her first full transformation that her Patronus had changed after the war. The otter that she was so fond of was now a fox.

Once transformed they both started running in various directions to continue their exploration.

They suddenly came to a halt when they heard a howling sound.

Wolves. Thought Hermione throught their pack connection looking at Harry.

And not far from here, two miles at the most. Thought Harry.

We should head back, it's getting dark. And I really don't fancy dealing with them right now. Said Hermione.

Yeah, I think it's enough for today. He agreed.

With that they turned around and run back to their house.

Little did they know a pair of red eyes had seen it all.


That night Bella couldn't sleep, she kept thinking about the fact that her cousin was a witch. And she had survived a war! It was mind-boggling.

Edward, who was currently in bed with her with his arms wrapped around her, noticed that there was something bothering his girlfriend.

"What's on your mind?" he asked.

Bella startled. She was so deep in her thoughts that she had forgotten Edward was there.

"My cousin is here." she replied. She looked up at him and at seeing the confusion on his face she elaborated. "She's the daughter of my father's sister. She came here from England after her parents were killed." she finished in a small voice.

Edward was shocked.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah... I'm glad she's here though." She said in a distracted tone.

She didn't say anymore. There was no way she was going to tell him about her being a potential target for a murderer. Things were already complicated enough.

Edward, sensing that she was in no mood to talk, didn't push her and just held her tighter.

It wasn't long after that she finally drifted off to sleep.

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