Chapter 4

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The next morning found Hermione and Harry lounging in the living room. They should have been scouting some more but Hermione was exhausted after another sleepless night. She hadn't spoken with Harry about the nightmares and she had put a glamour on the bruises under her eyes. But she didn't really have to, Harry knew all her tells and had probably already guessed what was going on. Still, he didn't say anything and merely agreed that they could take the morning off.

Harry was sprawled on the couch watching a football match on the TV. He wasn't particularly interested, he was never a fan of the sport. Such a shame that there isn't a wizarding channel for Quidditch matches, he thought.

Hermione was curled up on the armchair placed in front of the fireplace, alternating between reading the book in her lap and staring at the crackling flames. It wasn't that she didn't find the book interesting but there was just something so fascinating about the fire. The different shades of red and orange, the movement of the flames, it was mesmerizing. And she felt as if it was calling to her, whispering to her to reach out and touch it.

And she would have done it, if a knock on the door hadn't startled her out of her trance.

"You go." mumbled Harry form the couch without taking his eyes off the TV.

"I'm reading. And besides-"

"I'm watching a match."

"-you're not really watching."

"You're closer. I win." finished Harry with a smug smile.

Hermione glared at him and with a huff she got up and headed for the door muttering under her breath, but still loud enough for Harry to hear, "Lazy arse".

He just laughed at her.

Opening the door she saw Charlie standing on the threshold.

"Oh, hey Uncle Charlie." she greeted. "Please, come in."

"Hello 'mione. No need, I just came by to tell you that I was headed to Billy's and I was wondering if you and your friend wanted to tag along. I'm sure that he would be happy to see you. And Jacob too." He replied with a smile.

Hermione's eyes widened at the mention of Jacob. She had completely forgotten about him! It had been too long since the last time they saw each other.

"We would love to!" she said, excited. "Right, Harry?" she shouted in the direction of the living room.

"Of course, Mia." he shouted back. He wasn't even listening.

"Just give us a few minutes to get ready." she told Charlie turning back to him.

"Sure, I'll wait in the car."


Jacob was in a shitty mood.

He couldn't stop thinking about Bella. He just couldn't understand. What was so great about that damn bloodsucker?

He had left her, breaking her heart and almost ruining her. And Jacob had been the one to help her putting the pieces back together.

He had been so close.

But of course the leech had to come back and ruin everything. Even after all the pain he had caused her, she still chose him over Jacob.

He was currently patrolling with Paul and Embry and it was almost time for the change of shifts. They had caught a scent of a vampire not long ago and they had followed it. Jacob was more than eager to catch the leech, he had to relieve some of his anger in one way or another and that was just perfect. But the trail ended in Cullen territory and they were forced to turn back.

He was frustrated as hell.

Sam's coming. said Embry through their pack connection.

Thank God! If had to hear another minute of Jacob's moping I was going to kill myself. replied Paul.

Fuck off, Paul. said Jacob before running back home since Sam had arrived to change shift with him.

Once he was at the edge of the forest he changed back in human form and after putting some clothes on he made the five minute walk towards his house. He spotted Charlie's car but he wasn't really surprised. The man practically lived there!

He was a few feet from his front door when he heard several voices coming from inside, thanks to his enhanced hearing. And one was definitely female. But it couldn't be Bella, she was at school. He was curious now so, without wasting anymore time, he opened the door and he couldn't believe at the sight that met his eyes.

That hair. It was unmistakable. A lot tamer that it was when they were children but it was definitely Hermione's.

"Hermione?" he said, shocked.

She was talking and laughing with his dad, Charlie and a boy he had never seen before but when she heard him calling her she turned and at seeing him her eyes widened for a moment, before a cheeky smile appeared on her face.

"Hello, Jake."

He quickly recovered and in two strides he was in front of her crushing her into a hug.

"I missed you too, Jake. But I can't breath." said Hermione laughing.

Jacob released her and smiled at her sheepishly. He was still shocked to see her here.

Hermione was so excited to see his childhood friend. She had really missed him. When she first saw him she was stunned. He had become incredibly tall and muscled and she could admit that he had grown quite handsome too.

"What brings you here 'mione?" he asked her.

She sighed. That was one complicated question.

"Well, it's a long story. I was about to tell Billy but we decided to wait for you to arrive first."

They all took seats in the living room and Hermione, with Harry holding her hand tightly, started explaining everything, leaving out only the bits about magic. It was risky enough that Charlie and Bella knew her secret, but that couldn't be helped.

"We are so sorry, Hermione." said Billy in a soothing tone, once she had finished with the story.

After a few minutes of crying in Jacob's arms, who was holding her and whispering comforting words in her ear, she straightened herself.

"Thank you Billy, Jake."

Jacob smiled softly at her. He was heartbroken at seeing her like this. Her beautiful brown eyes that were always so bright and full of life, they now held so much pain and suffering. It wasn't right.

He decided in that moment that he would do anything in his power to bring that spark in Hermione's eyes that had always made so unique, back.

"You know 'mione, I was planning on going over at a friend's house this afternoon. You and Harry should come too. My friends would love to meet you." he started.

She looked over at his messy haired friend who gave her a reassuring smile in response. She turned her attention back to Jacob and smiling gratefully at him she replied "Yeah, why not."


He was so happy she was back.


They arrived at a house that was just at the edge of the woods. The woman that let them in, Emily, was a beautiful girl with black hair and tanned skin. She had a scar that crossed the right side of her face but Hermione didn't really notice it. She was used at seeing scars, on her body no less.

They were led to the dining room and the sight that met them was so familiar to Hermione that it almost hurt. She chanced a glance at Harry and she could see by the look on his face that he was thinking exactly the same thing.

There was a group of boys, all tall and muscled, with black hair and tanned skin, and a girl. They were talking and laughing loudly and they were eyeing the table in the centre of the room hungrily. There was so much food on it that it almost put the Weasleys to shame. Almost.

For Hermione and Harry it felt like being back at the Burrow.

"Hey, guys!" said Jacob to catch their attention.

"Hey, Jake!" they chorused.

"What got you so happy?"

"Yeah, what happened to broody Jacob? Did Bella finally gave you the time of day?"

Hermione was surprised to hear them mentioning her cousin and turned to Jacob with an arched eyebrow. He glared at the boy that had spoken and turned to Hermione to mutter an "I'll tell you later."

Was he blushing?

She was going to inquire further but the other people in the room had finally noticed the newcomers.

"Ahh, I get it now. He found himself a new girlfriend."

"And a hot one, too-"

"Shut up, Embry!" cut him off Jacob. He was going to kill them later.

He forced himself to calm down and said "Everyone, this is Hermione, a childhood friend, and this is Harry." He then turned to Harry and Hermione. "And these are Jared, Embry, Quil, Colin, Brady, Seth and Leah. Please guys, be nice."

"We are always nice." said Jared affronted.

Hermione laughed. He reminded her of the Weasley twins. Jared glanced at her pleased of her reaction then turned to Jacob with a smug look on his face as if to say "See, I told you."

Jacob merely rolled his eyes and asked "Where are Sam and Paul?"

"They should be here any minute now." replied Quil.

As if summoned the door opened and two men came in. Like the other boys, they were tall and well-built, with short black hair and tanned skin. They didn't have a shirt on, but Hermione wasn't exactly complaining.

The first one introduced himself as Sam. He was truly an imposing figure and gave off an air of authority. Hermione shook his hand and was somewhat startled at how warm it was. Almost unnaturally so. She briefly recalled that Jacob too had been this warm when he had hugged her. Interesting. She would analyze the thought later.

When she turned to the other man, Paul her mind supplied, she couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. As she looked into his eyes she realized that he was staring at her with such intensity that it was almost overwhelming. She couldn't tear her eyes off him and she was so focused that she had failed to notice that everyone was gaping at them and the room had fallen into silence. Until Jacob broke it.

"Oh, fuck."

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