Chapter 12

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The sky was getting darker in Seattle. Workers were slowly filling the streets to go back home and clubs and pubs were getting ready to open for the night. It was a day like any other, a Thursday. That's what the people in the city thought anyway. They weren't aware of the predators lurking in the shadows that, with the sun disappearing behind the buildings on the west side of the city, were ready to come out and play.

Demetri was observing his surroundings from the roof of an abandoned warehouse, his cool and collected demeanour not betraying the confusion and uncertainty he was feeling. He had been sent to Seattle with Jane and Felix to keep an eye on the situation. News had reached Volterra of an increasing number of newborn vampires in this area and he had thought their mission was to contain the damage if these vampires were to go rough, as that was his usual task.

But it wasn't the case this time. Aro had expressly ordered them to stand back and don't interfere.

Demetri was a trusted and loyal member of the Volturi guard and had always enjoyed his immortal life with the coven. So he never did question his masters decisions. Still, he couldn't help but feel a little reluctant to follow orders today.

Despite his being a vampire he had always cherished human life and even envied some aspects of it sometimes. Don't get him wrong, he was perfectly happy with his immortality and had long ago accepted his nature and need for human blood for sustainance, his blood-red eyes were proof of that, but he didn't like unnecessary waste of life. And it was exactly what was happening here in Seattle. Newborns not able to control their bloodlust. And they weren't just a few.

He was brought out of his musings when he saw some plastic bags and pieces of papers fallen from a nearby bin being scattered by the wind from the corner of his eye. He thought it curious since he hadn't noticed it was windy that day but otherwise ignored it. Or at least he tried. He couldn't help but notice that they weren't moving about randomly but actually looked like they were following a path. He decided to trail after them when a couple of empty bottles rolled over from the other side of the street to join them and all together disappeared behind the corner of the building on his right.

He walked for a few minutes but stopped suddenly when he smelt another vampire in the vicinity, a block away perhaps. His brows furrowed when his ears picked up the unmistakable sound of a heartbeat too, tough he smelt no blood but rather a sweet scent that was a mixture of cinnamon and vanilla. Demetri was certainly intrigued now.

He moved further and realised the building in front of him was the Public Library and the sounds and smells were coming from the back of it. Reaching the corner at vampire speed he peeked on the other side and the sight that met him made him feel a combination of confusion, anger and amazement.

The heavenly scent was coming from a girl. She was petite with a mass of mahogany brown hair that fell down her back in thick curls but looked incredibly soft. Demetri couldn't see her face but she was definitely human, he could hear her breathing and her blood pumping through her veins. Why couldn't he smell it then?

He belatedly noticed that her breathing pattern wasn't even but a bit erratic and even her heartbeat was speeding up. He drew his attention from her and saw the vampire standing just a few feet from her and watching her hungrily. A newborn.

Demetri should probably just take note of the situation and walk away, as per orders, but the thought of that girl being hurt had him rooted in his spot and an uncharacteristic wave of protectiveness to wash over him. He didn't know why but he had the sudden urge to rip that vampire into shreds.

And he would have done it if the newborn hadn't suddenly caught on fire and simultaneously been blasted off his feet to land hard on the wall behind him, leaving a dent in it, and falling to the ground thrashing in pain. He was ash in a matter of minutes.

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