Chapter 10

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Jacob was dreading his patrol shift that night.

Ever since he had learned about Hermione going to the bloodsuckers' house for who knows what reason, he had been a mixture of worry and anger and couldn't even risk phasing to calm down for fear of the pack hearing his thoughts.

It was bad enough that Bella was constantly in the leech's company, he didn't need to have Hermione to worry about too. She could say that she was capable of taking care of herself until she was blue in the face but it didn't change the fact that she didn't really know what she was getting herself into. Hermione was no match for a coven of vampires if something went wrong and they attacked her.

So Jacob didn't know what to do. Hermione was his responsibility, not only because she was his friend but she was also Paul's imprint and that practically made her pack.

That's why it was now 7 pm and he was still incredibly pissed. And to make matters worse he had to patrol with Seth and Paul. He didn't think he would manage to keep his thoughts to himself for long.

He took off his usual knee-length jeans and shifted into his wolf form before running towards the meeting point. Quil was already there, waiting for him to take his place. Paul and Seth had switched with Sam and Jared before Jacob arrived and were already scouting their designated area, Paul coincidentally having Bella's house. So predictable.

Shut it, Jake. Hermione's not home anyway. Paul thought annoyed.

Jacob faltered in his steps at that.

What? Are you sure?

That was strange. He tried but failed to keep his composure. Where was she at this time in the evening? She couldn't be there. No, Bella had said tomorrow, not tonight… Right?

Hey Jake, are you alright? Said Seth trying to catch his attention, having heard the worried tone of his thoughts.

But the russett wolf was in full panic mode now and wasn't listening. He had been sure there was still time to somehow convince her not to go. Or try at least.

Are you talking about Hermione? Convince her not to do what? Asked Paul urgently.

Jacob groaned.

Fuck. Great job, Jake. He thought sarcastically. He had been so caught up in his panic that he hadn't thought about his packamates listening in.

You better answer me right now, Jacob! Growled the silver wolf, that was clearly getting angrier by the second.

Jacob really didn't want to say it, he knew it would end badly if he did.

Guys! I think I found Hermione. Interrupted them Seth.

In the woods?! Where is she? It was Paul the panicked one now.

Jacob, on the other hand, was incredibly relieved. If Hermione was around the area Seth was patrolling, she couldn't be where he had believed. Though, thinking back, the fact that she was in the woods at all wasn't exactly reassuring.

Err… I think you should just come here. Replied Seth.

That wasn't reassuring either. He sighed and ran in the younger wolf's direction.

We are not done talking, Jake. Warned him Paul.

He never thought they were.


"This is not working, Harry!"

Hermione was exhausted. And three seconds away from hexing her best friend into next year.

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