Chapter 7

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The ride home was a tense one. Jasper, being able to sense Edward's emotions, could feel how angry he was and was barely restraining himself from using his gift on his brother to calm him for fear of upsetting him further.

And he didn't dare breathe a word either. Neither did Alice, surprisingly enough. Which, in hindsight, was kind of pointless since Edward was able to hear their thoughts.

When they arrived they entered the house and Edward slammed the door close, almost hitting them in the process and shuttering the windows in the entrance room.

Drama Queen. Jasper thought rolling his eyes.

Edward glared at him and flipped him over the head in response.

Mind-reading was convenient, but damn it if it wasn't annoying.

Hearing the commotion the rest of the family gathered around around them, Esme sending them a disapproving look upon seeing the state the room was in.

"Why is it always the windows?" She muttered, but with their vampire hearing everyone heard her. And Emmet snickered.

Edward was about to launch himself at him when Carlisle, ever the mediator, intervened.

"All right, that's enough. Would you like to tell us what happened Edward?"


"Hermione, Bella's cousin, moved here from England." supplied Alice when it became clear that Edward wasn't going to answer.

"And they fought because he suggested that Hermione could be dangerous since she seems to be immune to our gifts." She continued.

Jasper tried but failed to not laugh at her. She really couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"You smelt her blood too Alice! It was different than human blood." exclaimed Edward.

Everyone looked confused at that.

It wasn't all that surprising the fact that their gifts may not work on her. Bella was immune to Edward's after all, so maybe it run in the family. But the scent of her blood was different, Jasper had to agree on that. He couldn't really explain in what way did it differ, it just did.

He didn't think Hermione was dangerous though. She wasn't immune to his gift. He had felt her emotions quite clearly in fact. And he was particularly curious about some of them, being disturbingly familiar to him.

"What do you mean?" asked Carlisle.

Edward sighed, frustrated.

"I can't really explain it, but it's definitely not like human blood."

"He's right, it felt the same to me." Intervened Jasper for the first time.

They were quiet for a few moments, trying to figure out what this could mean.

"I think she knows what we are." said Edward suddenly.

Jasper thought so too. He had felt her panic when she and Edward had shook hands, even if she hadn't reacted at all outwardly.

"Great, as if Bella wasn't enough!" hissed Rosalie.

"Rosalie!" scolded Esme.

"Why would you say that Edward?" inquired Carlisle calmly, trying to keep the situation under control.

"She knew I was trying to read her mind." He replied.

"How?" Jasper asked. This was news to him, his brother hadn't mentioned anything at school.

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