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First, Laura Valley calls and tells me they found Agnes' father, but he wants nothing to do with her and has given up his rights. Laura wants me to tell Agnes, but I don't think I can. Second, after my phone call, I return to the living room and find Agnes wearing my hat. The same hat I used to shield the beaming sun from my face when my dad made me work on the farm for hours. The same hat I used to hide the black eyes and bruises my daddy gave me. Something in me broke when I saw Agnes wearing that damn hat. Third, Tisha read Agnes' file and found out that her birth was just two weeks ago, something I should've known.

I feel smothered. I want a fucking smoke and a beer.

"Okay...okay," I tell Tisha, "tomorrow I'll find out what kind of cake she like, but don't tell her that we know. I wanna keep it a surprise."

She nods then I step around her and enter my room but not before seeing a glimpse of her hurt face. Groaning, I remove my boots. I feel so tensed and drained. I strip down to my boxers then collapsed into bed.


"William?" Agnes' panicked voice yanks me out of sleep. My eyes pop open and I see Agnes standing in front of me, trembling. The fear in her eyes put pure fear in me. I lift myself up. "I don't like my room," she whimpers, "it's too big, I'm scared someone's there."

I cover myself with my blanket. "There's no one there, Agnes."

"William, please!" She cries, stomping her foot, her bottom lip quivers and it's all breaking my heart.

"Okay, okay, what do you want me to do?" Growing up, I took care of Lena, but she was never like this. The only thing she was scared of was our father.

"Can I sleep here?" Even in the dim lighting, I can see a sparkle in Agnes' large eyes.

"Um...how about we go to your room-"

"No!" She steps back, horrified.



I sigh. "Okay. But can you turn around for a second?" She hesitates for a moment, then nods and turns around. I quickly reach down, grab my tank top off the floor, and put it on. I stand up and put on my pants. "Okay," I tell her, but before I could continue, she spins around and jumps into my bed.

"Can you turn on a light?" She whispers.

"Sure." I turn on the lamp on the desk. It's too bright, but it's better than the main light. "Better?" I ask, tucking her in. She nods. "Alright, goodnight, kid," I kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight, Will," she whispers as I sit down on the floor, leaning in the bed. I reach up and caress the top of her head. "I like sleeping on the floor, it's really comfortable."

I wince. She slept on the floor before?

"You won't ever have to sleep on the floor again," I promise her, then like a puppy, I rest my chin on the edge of the bed. Her eyelids flutter shut, and she exhales, relaxing and sinking into the bed. She's asleep before I know it.

Still caressing the top of her head, I grab my phone from my pocket. I got a text message from Julia promising me if I don't come back now, we're done. I honestly don't care anymore, if she can't see how important this is, how important Agnes is then I can't be with her anymore. There's a text from Charlie. I had sent him a quick text earlier in the day telling him Agnes and I are fine and he replied telling me to take as much time as I need to and not worry about work. It's nice to know someone has my back. The last notification is from a number I don't know.

Unknown Number: Good afternoon Mr. William Granger, it's Gloria Alvarez. I got your number from Agnes' new caseworker-I hope that's alright. Anyway, I'm not sure if you remember but I had promised Agnes that I would stop by. At the moment you seemed a little distant and I just wanted to remind you.

I'll text her back later. It's only four in the morning.

I ended up staying up the rest of the night. Tired as hell, I force myself up from the floor. Agnes is sleeping peacefully, her long curly hair is a mess, covering the entire pillow. I grab my phone and tiptoe out of the room. After saving Gloria's number, I text her and tell her to come around at two.

I enter the kitchen and gasp, startled when I see Tisha standing there. I didn't hear her leave her room this morning.

"Sorry," she smiles weakly.

"Whatever," I mutter, walking to the fridge.

"I made coffee."

"I don't drink coffee." I grab a store-bought mango smoothie then shut the door. I'm halfway across the room when Tisha spoke.

"Will?" She coos in a soft voice that's laced with slight fear. I stop but don't turn and face her. "Agnes, she needs to take a bath."

"Um," I turn halfway, "yeah, okay. But keep an eye on her." I once saw in a horror movie that some kid drowned in the bathtub because his parents weren't watching him. The kid didn't hit his head or tried to see how long he can hold his breath for, he just drowned. I thought it was stupid, but now I see how terrifying it is.

"And I was thinking," Tisha continues, "that we should go out to eat for breakfast and maybe have the waiters sing happy birthday with pancakes and candles." Halfway through her suggestions, I listened closely and could hear her voice slightly tremble. Is she honestly that terrified of me?

"I don't have any money." I barely have enough to get Agnes a gift.

"I can afford it."

"Speaking about that," I fold my arms over my chest, "How exactly? Where is all this money come from?"

"I remarried not long after you left." Her face drops. "Sadly he died two years after we married."

"And he was rich?"

"Not exactly, he worked hard and saved up his money, he didn't have any kids or siblings, and for this house; it was passed down to him."

I nod slowly. Her face looks a hundred years older, she looks heartbroken, and it's making me feel uncomfortable. "I'm gonna go wake up Agnes." I turn and hurry out of the room and up the stairs.


William's heavy footsteps grow louder as he approaches the bedroom. I shut my eyes when I hear the hinges on the door squeak. "Agnes?" He whispers. I open my eyes and sit up. He stops in his tracks. "I was only going gone for two minutes, I didn't mean to leave-"

"It's okay," I interrupt. He takes a deep breath, his shoulders falling slower than the rose, then he extends his empty hand and smiles warily.

"Come on, let's go brush our teeth."

"We're not eating?" I ask, yanking the blankets off me and swinging my legs off the bed.

"We're going out to eat," he answers as I approach him. I take his hand and stop.

"Is that okay?"

"What did I say?" He says softly, "you don't have to worry about me."

I decided not to fight back. Nothing he can say will ever stop me from worrying about him.

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