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Later that day...

"Wait, Agnes." Gloria's soft voice carries nicely through the air as I reach the top of the steps. I turn and see Agnes dragging her feet down the hall, her eyes are barely open and she's clutching Night Fury, her Tiger, tightly to her chest. "I think she's sleepwalking," Gloria whispers, her voice thick with concern. Agnes shakes her head, responding to Gloria. Without looking, Agnes stops in front of my door.

We're all exhausted-all of us, including Gloria and Tisha. Today was Agnes' day and we agreed to whatever she wanted; we played the same board game for hours, watched movies then re-enacted them with toys, rested outside, soaking in the sun-which was my favorite, cooked and ate almost everything that popped in Agnes' head. No one complained or argued. Tisha and I were just downstairs cleaning up.

"Agnes?" She's slightly swaying. "Okay, let's got to bed," I reach for her, but her eyes pop open and she steps back, horrified, peering into my eyes. My  throat  closes-is...is she afraid of me? "Agnes?" My voice comes out strained and not me.

"Are you staying?" She sounds so drained.

"Of course I am," I assure her, and she relaxes, dropping her shoulders. Pure horror fades from her face and she's my Agnes again. I don't ever want to see her like that again, especially towards me. If this remarkable little girl's afraid of me then I'm clearly doing something wrong-I've lost my mind. "Come on," I grab Night Fury from her then lean down and pick her up with one arm.

Agnes knocks out the moment her cheek meets my shoulder.

"She was waiting for you," Gloria says behind me as we cross my temporary room.

"She doesn't like her room." I place Night Fury on the foot of the bed then place my hand on Agnes' back. Very careful, I lean forward, pulling Agnes away from me and placing her on the bed. "I don't know what to do," I quietly admit to Gloria as I tuck Agnes in. "I leave tomorrow, and she can't sleep alone."

"Without you, you mean." I can hear a grin in her voice.

I turn off the lamp then Gloria I step into the hall. "Thank you for staying, it meant a lot to Agnes...and..." am I about to say me?

"I had a great time," she says, saving me from my own embarrassment. "And I was wondering if I can come by tomorrow-or are you annoyed with me already?"

I chuckle and tease, "maybe."

"Oh really?" She smiles brightly, cocking her head to the side. Despite the poor lighting, there's a gleam in her eyes. I find myself staring at her nice, full lips, and I realize that I'm leaning in.

What the fuck am I doing? Agnes likes Gloria, I can't ruin their relationship by kissing Gloria. Agnes would never forgive me.

I stumble back and slam into the wall, causing a loud bang. "Shit!" I hiss, peering into my room and checking on Agnes. She's lying on her back now, but other than that she still sleeping.

"Are you okay?"

I look back at Gloria to see she's reaching for me. "I'm tired," I sort of lie.

"Oh," she drops her hands. She looks almost...disappointed? Did she want me to kiss her?

"Goodnight, Will."

"Night." I watch Gloria walk down the hall and the stairs until she's no longer visible. My heart is beating at a steady rhythm, but it's thumping harder than it should. I groan. What the hell did I just do?

"William?!" Agnes shouts sleepily.

"I'm right here!" I hurry into the room.


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