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"Gloria?" I say out loud when I enter an empty living room. A low mumble/growl noise grabs my attention and I follow it to the kitchen. Gloria is standing at the counter, making coffee-that explains the weird grumbling noise. "She's, um-" my voice is dry and raspy, and I make a sad attempt at clearing my throat. "She's sleeping."

"She's only a phone call away."

I groan loudly as I run my hand down my face and stroll to the table. "I just hate the fact that I won't be here when she wakes up." It was so cute when I woke up and found Agnes waiting for me. The coffee maker beeps twice then Gloria grabs the mug and pours coffee into a large to-go cup. "You don't have to take me, I can buy a bus ticket."

"Will, I'm taking you." She puts the lid on her cup then joins me at the table.

"Don't you work tomorrow? You can't drive for six hours then-"

"Will, let me worry about that."

I'm too tired to argue with her. I honestly don't care anymore, how am I supposed to care about anything else at this point? I get up and leave. I can already hear Agnes in my head telling me to go back and apologize for being rude and walking out. I swallow the urge to do it. I have every right to be rude right now. I'll just apologize later.

Gloria follows me outside in a rush, then we climb in her police cruiser and we're off.


When we pulled up in front of my apartment building, the very last person I expected to be there, was waiting outside. My jaw dropped. What the hell is she doing here? I think Gloria says my name, but I'm already jumping out of the car.

"Julia?!" I bark. A few people walking stop and stare at me. Julia, who's sitting on the ground and hugging her knees, lifts her head to look at me. She's only wearing a tank and ripped jeans, and I can see my breath, she must be freezing. "What the hell are you doing outside?" I yank my jacket off, but when I hold it out to put it on her, she jumps to her feet and shoves me off.

"Give me your key!" She snarls, holding out her hand, palm facing up.

She doesn't have her key? "How long have you been waiting for me?" I ask as I fish out my key from my back pocket.

"You can wait here while I get your shit." She snatches my key from my hand then turns for the door.

"Wait, what?" I step in her way. "You're kicking me out?"

"You left!" She shoves her hands against my chest, stabbing me with the key. "You left for work and never came back. Now you expect me to welcome you home with open arms?" She looks me up and down with a nasty look. "How fucking stupid are you?" Up until now, I've totally forgotten that my apartment was actually Julia's apartment and I'm just a guest. When we started sleeping together, I stayed over a lot and one day I never left. We never talked about it but I sort of just moved in.

"You can't kick me out. I can't foster Agnes if I'm homeless."

Her deep scowl turns into a deep confusion. "Who the fuck is Agnes?"


"Holy shit. That little girl. You left me for a fucking kid!" She pushes me again then slams me with the key. I wince at the pain striking in my cheek. I bring my hand to my face and feel blood.

"Hey!" Before Julia or I can turn or even take a breath, Gloria grabs Julia by her arm and yanks her to the ground, twisting her arm behind her back. "Yell at him again, touch him again and I'm arresting you."

I'm frozen for a second, then snap out of it. "Gloria, let her go."

"Get the fuck off me!" Julia shrieks, fighting Gloria's painfully hold on her. Our little reunion has grabbed the att of others and now we're surrounded by people with phones. "Will, get her off of me!"

"Gloria!" I grab her by her shoulders and pull her off Julia. "Forget it, let's just go!"

Gloria gently shoves me off, spins around to face me then firmly cups my face. For a second I think she's going to kiss me, but she snaps my head to the side, and I realize she's examining my wound. "I have a first ad kit in my truck."

"I'm fine, let's go." I grab her arm and forcefully shove our way through the thickening crowd and to the car.

"Hey!" Someone yells, but we're already in the car and driving away.

"Are you insane?" I snap at her.

"She hit you!" She snarls back.

"You just attacked her then we drove off in your cruiser, Gloria, those fucking assholes were recording everything. You can get in trouble."

"I'm sorry," she says in a softer voice. "She hit you and...and I dunno what happened, I just lost it."

I relive what just happened and groan loudly. "She kicked me out. I don't have a home, how am I going to foster Agnes when I'm homeless?"

"We'll find you a place, but right now you need a place to sleep. Do you know someone who would let you sleep on their couch?"

"Let's see." I pull out my phone and see I got a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: I thought you should know that Agnes woke up crying. I calmed her down and she's sleeping now. She's gonna call you in the morning. Tisha.

Shit, can tonight get any worse?

A few hours later...

"Agnes?" There's a light knock at the door. I shut my eyes tightly and hold Night Fury closer to me. I don't want to get up. "Agnes?" Tisha steps farther into my room. "Honey, you can call him now."

I jolt upright in bed. "Really?"

"He should be up by now." I jump out of bed, leaving Night Fury behind, and hurry to Tisha. She hands me a phone with William's contact information already on the screen. I press call then put the phone to my ear. "I'll get your clothes ready," Tisha whispers, and I nod as she walks towards my dresser.

Three long rings later and- "Hello?" Someone who is not William answers.

"Um, is William there?"

"Agnes, it's me, Charlie." Why is Charlie answering William's phone? I thought William was going home, not to Charlie's. "Will's sleeping right now. Do you want me to leave a message?"

"Um....no." What would I say? "Thank you, Charlie."

"Do you want me to tell him that you called?"

"Yes, please."

"I will. Take care, Agnes."

"You too." I end the call, turn to Tisha and shake my head. "He's sleeping." I was hoping to talk to William before school.

"Who were you talking to?"

"Charlie, William's boss."

She frowns. "I'm sorry, honey."

Me too. "It's alright," I shrug. Then I join her by the dresser and pick out my outfit for the first day of school.

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