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When Tisha returned, she returned with ice cream and toppings. William was so upset about it. "It's way too early for freaking ice cream!" He snapped at her, then I made him apologize.

"We're still celebrating her birthday," Tisha argued. "Aren't we?"

William is ready to explode, I can practically see the steam blowing out of his ears. Why does he always yell and get so angry at Tisha? "Okay, okay," I walk over to him, uncurl his trembling fist and firmly take his hand. "Your French toast!" I pull him to the stove where Gloria and I have been waiting. I place him next to Gloria then walk away.

"Wait, where are you going?" He asks me.

"Night Fury!" I call over my shoulder, running up the stairs. I enter William's room and snatch Night Fury from his spot on the bed.

A few hours later...

"Are you cold?" William asked for the millionth time in the last hour. We're out outside, resting on a blanket, under the sun and surrounded by flowers. The sun is sinking into the horizon, causing the sky to turn pinkish/orangish color and the clouds to darken. The sky looks warm, but looks can be deceiving, it's cold. "Agnes?" William sits up.

I prop myself on my elbows. "No," I sort of lie...only my face is cold. Tisha gave us gloves and hats. Most of her things were woman's, so the hat William's wearing is a light purple with a flower sewn into it. It's adorable on him. "Are you?"

"No. But it is getting late..."

I wince and sit up. Getting late... "Can we stay for a few more minutes?"

"It's just gonna get colder. Even wrapped up-" he tugs at my coat "-you can still get sick."


"Agnes-" I throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my cheek against his chest. Even though his jacket, I can hear his heartbeat. "Kid, what's wrong?"

My eyes sting with tears and I shut them tightly. "I like it here. Time...slows here. You leave tonight and I need time to slow. Can we please stay for a few more minutes?"

He draws me into his embrace. "Sure."


A few minutes turned into an hour and a half. The sun is gone, the moon is out and there are a billion stars in the sky; a view I secretly miss. But my home is in the city now, I hope Agnes doesn't mind. She seems so happy here. I'll have to talk to her about it later.

Agnes is snuggled up on my lap, sleeping peacefully-despite the cold weather, and clutching Night Fury closely to her with one arm and holding mine with her other. I had placed Night Fury in front of her to keep her warm, I didn't think she would find him.

I've been debating on waking her up for a while now.

I have to wake her. The longer I wait, the more it will hurt when I leave her.

I begin to shake her when- "Hey." Gloria's voice startles me. "Sorry," she smiles. She's holding two to-go cups.

"It's alright."

"I should've asked before, but hot chocolate?"

I nod, and she carefully sits down next to me, trying not to wake Agnes, and hands me a cup. "How long has she been sleeping?"

"An hour I think." Agnes was right about time moving slowly here.

"We have to go soon."

I hold Agnes tighter to me and mumble, "I know." Five days...how the hell am I supposed to do this for few days? I can call her, but it won't be the same. I can check in with Tisha about her, but it won't be the same. It won't be the same for five days. "I don't-"

"William?" Agnes' small, distorted voice rips through me.

I peer down at her. "Yes?"

"You're hugging...me...too tight!" She squirms under my arms. I instantly release her, and she sits up, rubbing her eye. Her grin's bright and drowsy and such a relief, I didn't hurt her. "Hi, Gloria."

"Hi, sweetheart." Gloria brushes her fingers under Agnes' chin. Agnes leans forward, yawning, and rests her forehead on my chest. Gloria blushes.

"Let's go inside," I whisper to Agnes as I rub her back. She nods, dropping her shoulders and sinking into me, and Gloria takes my cup. I gently hold Agnes and Night Fury closer to me and stand up. My legs are numb and cold, but I force them to hold our weight then shake them out when I'm standing. I follow Gloria inside.

Stepping through the front door, I can't help but feel like I'm giving Agnes away. I sort of am; I am leaving her here under Tisha's care after I promised her that I will care for her.

Without asking her to, Gloria waits downstairs. Another reason why I appreciate her and trust her with Agnes; she's understanding.

"William?" Agnes says as we enter my room. I knew she couldn't have possibly been sleeping.

"Yes?" I place Night Fury at the end of the bed, then put Agnes down. I don't bother lying her down for sleep, she's awake and we need to talk. I cup her face, kiss her forehead then lean back and kneel in front of her.

"What happens if I don't sleep?" She refuses to look at me, I'm not sure if it's out of fear or if it's just too painful to-either way, she's not trying to find out.

I know exactly what she means. "I still have to go, Agnes." She bows her head, completely blocking my view of her face with her hair. "Agnes?" I try. I've noticed that my voice is automatically softer with her, a voice I never knew I had, a voice that comforts her. "Agnes, I have to go back. There are people I need to see-people like Ms. Spencer, so I can get my fostering license and take you home."

She inhales sharply, pauses then exhales. "Okay," she lifts her head and looks at me through her eyelashes. I shudder when I read her expression and get nothing from her blank expression. "You promised to fight for me and I promised to be patient. I'm sorry I ever-"

"Stop," I cup her face again. "You didn't do anything."

"But I-" I give her a look and she shuts up, bowing her head again. "Thank you, William. No one's ever kept their promise before."

"You're stuck with me," I sort of tease, and she smiles a sad smile. I open my mouth to continue, to make that smile real, but she jumps off the bed and hugs me.

I hold her for what feels like hours, which isn't enough, then she pulls away, looking more drowsy than before. I pick her up and place her on the edge of the bed again. "Gloria's taking you home?" She asks as I untie her shoes.

"Yeah." I remove her shoes then unzip her coat. We're quiet as I pull off her coat and undo and redo her ponytails so they don't knot while she's sleeping. "Agnes?"

"Yes?" She scoots back on the bed. I stand up and cover her with the blanket.

"Do you miss them?" I shouldn't be and I shouldn't be asking her, but I'm curious to know if she misses her momma and daddy. I hope she doesn't.

Agnes knew exactly who I was talking about. "Sometimes," she whispers, then rushes out, "but I want to stay with you."

I try to smile, but it's hard when I'm about to leave her. "I'm going to make sure that happens. And listen, I know you like Tisha and this house, but when I foster you, we can't stay here, we'll live in Portland."

"Can we visit?"

"Yeah." Before Agnes, the very thought of even thinking about seeing Tisha made me want to chug down a whole case of beer and a few shots,  I'm still not her biggest fan, but for Agnes, I don't hesitate to see Tisha.

Agnes shuts her eyes. "Thank you, Will."

Will? She's called me William so many times that's it's odd for her to call me Will. "Sleep," I whisper, brushing her bangs to the side.

"Can you...stay a few...minutes...after I've fallen...asleep?" She asks slowly, her tiny voice barely over a whisper. She must've been fighting sleep like a warrior; I never saw her yawn once, sleep just stole her from me out of the blue.

"Of course," I answer, but I'm sure she didn't hear me, then lean down and kiss her forehead.

She asked me to stay for a few minutes, and I did.

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