Bilnd Date

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Eyy finally a one-shot without having to have a t/w :D

"Cmon Bad you're gonna love him!" Ant said to the boy. Bad shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know about this Ant.." Bad responded. "You already agreed! And besides, if it doesn't go well, then you'll never have to see him again!" Ant reassured his friend. "I guess.."

"SKEPPY!" Vurb screams through the house. "WHAT THE FUXK DO YOU WANT VURB!?" Skeppy screams back. "COME DOWN HERE!" "NO!" Vurb sighs. He stomps up the stairs and barges into Skeppys room. "Hey-ow!" Vurb grabs Skeppy by the ear and starts to drag him downstairs. "I can- ow- walk myse- ow!- self yknow- Ow!!" Skeppy protests trying to pull Vurb off. "Obviously not." Vurb eventually gets Skeppy in some semi-nice clothes. "Do I have to this?" Skeppy complained. "Yes."

Vurb and Skeppy walk into a restaurant. "Hello! How many people?" The waitress asked. "Two please!" Vurb said. She smiled, and showed them to a table.

Ant and Bad show up quickly after. "Hi! How many?" The same waitress smiled. "Hi! Were actually here to drop him off, with someone else, is that okay?" Ant asks. "Of course! Who?" She smiled. Ant looks around and spots the table with Vurb and Skeppy "That one! One of them is leaving with me!" Ant says happily. "Okay! Follow me!" She said.

The two walk over to the table. "Hi Vurb!" Ant says. "Hey Ant!" Vurb reasponds. "Okay bye you two!" Vurb says getting out of the seat and pushing Bad into it. "Huh-? Ant do go yet!" Bad panicked. "Pshh you'll be fine!" Ant laughed.

Bad went silent and looked down at the floor, very intrigued by his shoes by the looks of it. "What? Am I that ugly that you can even bare to look at me?" Skeppy laughed. "What-? No no no! I just.." Bad trailed off. Skeppy laughed.

"Vurbs right, you are adorable." Skeppy said giggling. "What!?" Bad looked up at Skeppy. "I don't even know you!" Skeppy scoffed. "Okay, well, I like the color blue, uhh and I play minecraft! Now we're not strangers!" Skeppy smiled. "You told me two things about yoursel- did you say you play minecraft?" "Uhh yes? Am I not allowed to?" Skeppy rubbed the back off his neck nervously. "No! I play mine too!" Bad said excitedly. The waitress walks up shortly. "Hello! Can I take your order?"

They both ordered, nothing too expensive but y'know. They spent the whole time talking, and learned that they had a lot in common.

They finished the food, and the waitress set the check on the table. Skepoy grabbed it and looked at the price. "I'll pay" He said. "What? No! I'll pay." Bad said back. "No it's okay! Really I don't mind." Skeppy said pulling the money out of his wallet. "Me neither!" Bad protested back. Skeppy laughed. "How about we split it?" Skeppy offered. Bad thought for a second. "Fine."

The two walk out of the restaurant laughing. "Ants supposed to be picking me up soon" Bad said looking around. "Same with Vurb" Skeppy responded.

They waited on the sidewalk for their friends to show up. Ant showed up first. "Bye Skeppy! I had a great time!" Bad waved. "By- Hey Bad can I get you're number?" Skeppy asked right before back got into the car. "Oh of course! Here!" They exchanged numbers, and Bad got into the car.

Ant starts driving, and smirks at Bad. "So things went well I take it~" Ant teases. Bads face goes red. "Ant!"

Bad and Skeppy soon started to text daily. They would hang out often too. And eventually, they both developed feelings for eachother. And guess who confessed first? Skeppy right? Wrong. And of course. They got together.

             Two years later            
"Okay, we're almost there, close your eyes!" Skeppy says. Bad puts his hands over his eyes.
They arrive and Skeppy walks over to Bads side of the car and opens the door.  He grabs one of Bads hands, and walks him into the restaurant. They walk in, and stop in the doorway. "You can move your hand now" Skeppy said. Bad moves his hand and looks around the place. "Remember?" Skeppy laughed. "How could I forget? Its where we had our "first date"" Bad said with finger quotes.

A/N: Hi! I'm sorry for always taking so long to update! Ty for being patient! I hope you enjoyed this even though it was a little short :)

Also did you guys know that Bad always claims to be so much taller then Skeppy but this mf is like less then a cm taller🧍‍♀️Also im not a reliable source that's just what I heard. K bye! :D

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