"stop talking to other guys."

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T/W: abusive boyfriend :( and sad/abused Bad D: and swearing
This sounds horrible-
I promise its not as bad as it sounds..well..WE GOTTA START

Tears start flowing down Bads, looking as his boyfriend. "I told you to stop fucking talking to other guys!" He suddenly, slaps Bad in the face, hard. His eyes widen and he puts his hand up to his face. Bad looks at his boyfriend in horror. "What? Got something to say? Litte b*tch." His boyfriend, Mark, barks. Bad looks away and starts to sob quietly. "I hope you learned your lesson." Mark said harshly, before walking out of the room. Confused? Here's a small backstory.

2 months ago, Bad met this guy, he had beautiful blue eyes, and dark brown hair. He was very sweet and funny. Bad felt different around him. He felt safe. He didn't know how to explain this feeling. Everytime he was around him, he felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach. And eventually, Bad realized what this feeling was. This was the feeling of love.. Bad didnt know how to reaspond to this feeling, so he tried to ignore it. But this only made the feeling stronger. Nevertheless; he kept it to himself. But one day, one amazing day when luck was on Bads side, (or was it) Mark, asked Badboyhalo out. Of course Bad said yes, he was so happy, he couldn't control it. Skeppy, one of Bads co-workers and close friend, didnt like this one bit. He didn't say anything to Bad, but he had a bad vibe about Mark. Anyways, everything was going great. That, was until, Mark suddenly became extremely overprotective over Bad. A little to overprotective. He started to control Bads life, starting small like asking him not to talk to certain people because they weren't good people. But eventually it got worse. He told Bad hes not allowed to talk to any other guys. Bad obviously pushed this off and ignored his boyfriends request, thinking it was silly and nothing to worry about. But boy was he wrong, Mark didnt like that Bad was still talking to all these guys. So, that's what lead us to the present.

Bad stands there in utter shock, this isnt the guys Bad remembered wanting to date. This isn't the guy who gave him butterflies in his stomach. Bad felt sick. Like he could throw up. He decided to just head to bed and guessed things might be better in the morning.

Bad woke up, yawning, and got into the shower. He hurried and finished getting ready for work. He walked out of his house to see Mark's car parked outside with Mark in it. Mark looks at Bad from in the car and nods him over. Bad walks over to the car and gets in. He sits down in silence. Mark was also silent, other than saying one thing. "Dont forget about last night."

They arrive at work, and both get out of the car. They both start to walk their separate ways. Mark works in a large business building, and Bad works right across the street at a small cafe. He walks in and glances at his friend Skeppy before walking behind the counter. "Morning Bad!" Skeppy said cheerfully. Bad doesnt reaspond and starts to tie his apron on. Skeppy looks at him puzzled but shrugged it off. Maybe Bad was just having a bad morning. Bad has been avoiding certain people but Skeppy couldnt tell who or why. Skeppy walked up to Bad and attempted to make conversation with him. "Hey Bad, how has your day been" Bad looks at Skeppy. "I-I gotta go." He said. "Wait Bad-" Skeppy starts but Bad was already gone. Skeppy decided to just try and talk to him at the end of the day.

Slowly but surely, the end of the two boys shifts were over. Skeppy walked over to Bad who was taking his apron off. "Bad, is something going on?" Skeppy asks softly. Bad shook his head quickly and starts to walk off quickly. Skeppy sighs. Why was Bad avoiding him?

Its been around a week and Skeppy was starting to get fed up with his friends odd behavior. He's been ignoring him all week and leaving very quickly when Skeppy talked or approached him. He finally decided, he would make Bad explain. At the end of the day Skeppy walks up to Bad. They were the only to in the building, due to the fact that they both offered to work late for two of their other co-workers. "Bad. What is going on. Why are you avoiding me." Bad, as expected, didnt answer. Skeppy was so done. He grabbed Bad the shoulders and looked into his eyes. "Why are you ignoring me."

"Where is he?" Mark said to himself. Bad was two minutes late, which is weird because he was usually here before Mark was. Mark decided to go inside to the small cafe to to see what was taking his boyfriend so long. He walked in, and was instantly enraged. He walked up to Skeppy, grabbed him by the hood and through him back onto the ground. He then turns to Bad who is trembling. "M-m-mark I-" Bad starts. "Shut up. What the fuck did I tell you." Mark says. Bad doesn't say anything. "WHAT THE FUCK DID I TELL YOU!?" He screams. Bad jumps, and starts to slightly cry. "T-to not t-talk to o-other g-guys.." Bad chokes out. Skeppy sits there in complete shock. Suddenly, Mark slaps Bad across his face. And this brought Skeppy back to reality quickly. He jumps to his feet and throws Mark off Bad. "Excuse me!? You did not just fucking lay hands on Bad!" Skeppy yells at Mark, standing in front of Bad protectively. Mark laughs. "And if I did? Get the fuck away from my boyfriend " He spits out coldly. Skeppy scoffs. "Yeah right like I'm gonna do that." Mark suddenly stands up and pushes Skeppy harshly on the ground. Mark grabs Bads hand tightly and starts to drag him out of the shop. Skeppy stands up quickly and threw a punch at Mark, hitting his nose spot on, causing him to start bleeding. Mark let's go of Bads hand and looks at Skeppy. "Oh you messed up." Suddenly the two men were fighting harshly with each other. Bads panics. He sees two men walking by and calls them over sobbing. The two men come jogging over, to see the fight that was now outside. One runs behind Skeppy, the other behind Mark, and they pull the boys apart. Skeppy tries to pull out of the grip of the man, but wasnt able to. Skeppy was panting, looking coldly at Mark. "What happened here." Says one of the men. "This man is a fucking abuser." Skeppy said harshly. "Yeah right" Mark scoffs. "What do you mean an abuser?" Asks the other man. Skeppy nodded his head towards Bad. "That's his boyfriend." Skeppy mumbles. "And he..abuses him?" Asks one of the men. Skeppy nods. "I think we should take these two men to the police station and see what they think."

Long story short, Bad ended up telling the police what happened, after a lot of reassurance that Mark wont hurt him anymore. Mark was sentenced to 5 months in jail and Skeppy was let free.

(A/N so uh I see that I enjoy doing this, one year later, look to the future thing at the end of the story. So you might see them a lot. If you guys don't like them I can stop doing them but I personally enjoy it)

~one year later~
Skeppy walks into the shop to see Bad putting on his apron. He grabs Bad by the hips and pulls him into a kiss. They pull away and smile. "Good Morning Love." Skeppy smiles. Bad giggles."Good Morning Mr Manager.." Bad says with a goofy grin. That's right, Bad and Skeppy bought the cafe. And maybe possibly fell in love..

A/N: Ahhh hello! Ik that this is actually trash but its something. Uhh, I hope you enjoyed, bye ^-^

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