Normal life

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I woke up in Alessandro's arms. He looked like he was sleeping peacefully. We were still sat on the floor from last night.
I carefully got up trying not to wake him and went in the shower. Once I got out the shower I put on some clothes and walked out the bathroom. Alessandro was sat on my bed on his phone. When I walked out he looked up from his phone and gave me a smile.
" hi" I said nervously as I sat on the edge of the bed.
" hi" he replied back to me with a grin on his face.
" come here " he said as he held out his arms. I walked towards him and hugged him. We stayed like that for a little while.
" why were you not talking to me" I said as I lightly stroked his hand with my finger.
He sighed but stayed quiet for a little while.
" I had to. "  he whispered
" but why Alessandro "
" your changing me. I'm going soft and it's not good for the mafia " he paused before he finished his sentence.
" I'm falling for you Mia. I'm falling hard. I don't ever fall for girls I only have them around when I need them and then as soon as they have for filled their job they leave. I'm not good for you Mia. You should fear me like everyone else does "
" but I don't Alessandro. I'm not scared of you " I said as I touched his cheek.
" I don't care about your past. All I care about is now" I assured him.
He pushed me down so I was sat on his lap and I was facing him. He placed the loose strand of hair behind my ears and placed his other hand so it was cupping my cheek.
I leaned in closer so our lips were brushing against each other. I let out a little gasp at the contact. I couldn't take the teasing anymore so I hungrily kissed his lips and slipped my tongue  into his mouth . He moved his hands down my back and he held my waist. His touch was intoxicating. I felt like I couldn't get enough of it. I pulled his top of over his head and started to unbutton his trousers.
" no Mia" he growled huskily while breathing heavily.
" I want to " I said as I went back to unbuttoning them.
" you aren't ready " he breathed heavily as he was trying to stop me from going further.
" as much as I'd love to, I know you aren't ready and I don't want you to regret it. " he said as he looked me in the eyes.
" okay " I sighed as I I let go of his trousers and sat on his lap.
" someday Mia " he assured me as he stoked my hair.

We spent a few more hours together upstairs watching movies and talking but then Alessandro got called to a meeting. I wanted to go back to school more than anything. I was only seventeen and I felt like my whole world was completely different to everyone else's. I decided to walk downstairs and see if Alessandro had finished his meeting to talk to him about it.
As I walked down the stairs I could hear their voices from the kitchen. I walked in and smiled at all the men. I was going to take a seat on a free chair but Alessandro looked at me and then down to his chair telling me I could sit with him. I walked over and sat on his lap. I felt so safe.
I didn't disrupt their meeting as it carried on for a little while longer. I'd been sat on his lap the whole time. Once they finished and all his men were out the room I decided to ask him.
" are you okay Mia " he asked concerned.
" oh yeah I just came to ask you something "
" okay"
" I was wondering if I could go back to school "
Alessandro stiffened a little as soon as I said it.
" it's not safe. "
" my dad won't come looking for me. I'll be fine. I can call you if I need you "
" Mia, I don't know " he sighed and rubbed his forehead.
" please. I'm only seventeen. I need to carry on living my life. " I pleaded.
" okay, but you must call me if you need me."
"I will"
" I will take you there and pick you up"
" I can walk "
" no, you can only go if I pick you up and drop you off"
" thank you " I grinned at him as I kissed him on the lips.
We carried on kissing until we were interrupted by Leo.
" oh sorry Alessandro " Leo apologised as he covered his eyes.
" ah it's fine " he said to Leo.
" I'll leave you two " I said to Alessandro as i pecked his cheek and walked off.
I was happy I'd be going back to school. It was fine for Alessandro as he didn't worry about going to school. He didn't need to as he was 20 yet he probably has never been anyways.
I packed everything for school while I was waiting for Alessandro. I felt like tomorrow was going to be a good day!
End of chapter!
Thanks you to all those who are still reading!

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