Figure part 2

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" it's coming closer ." I told Alessandro while my heart felt like it was going to beat outside of my chest. With every second that passed I thought of another thing I'll miss when I'm not here.
" you're okay Mia. You just need to breathe okay. Remember, you need to protect the babies okay? You've got this girl. "

" when is someone going to help?" I asked quietly into the phone.
" I don't know baby, I don't know. "
" when will you be home?" I asked with hope. He was my last piece of hope.
" it won't be for a long time baby. I haven't got on the flight yet. But when I do, The signal will go. "
" so I'll be on my own" I asked panicked.
" I'm so sorry. I'm sorry " he told me.
" I can't do this" I told him truthfully as my hands shook, and I  could feel my body slowly going into shock.
" you can. I know you can. Do it for me " he told me.
" Alessandro I can't " I told him as my voice broke. It was all too much for me.
" I can't hide anymore. " I admitted.
" oh no baby, you can. You've got to stay in there for me okay? Do you get that? If you go out there you aren't safe. You need to not only think about yourself but our babies too. Come on baby girl I know you can do this. I know it's hard. Damn I wish I could be with you right now. But I know, you can do this. You don't need me. You don't need me at all. "
Suddenly I began to felt faint. Oh no this wasn't good how can I protect myself if I'm fucking passed out.
" Alessandro I don't feel too good "
" baby, you'll be okay you just need to take some deep breaths. Follow after me "
" breathe in and out "
And I did. I exhaled when he told me too and inhaled when he told me to. But I still felt like shit.

Suddenly everything went black.

" in and out" I told her. I thought she might be having a panic attack.
But as soon as I heard the thud, I realised she had passed out.
" Mia " I shouted into the phone. All my men were looking at me with worried expressions all over their faces. They've all grown so close to her.
" she's passed out " I told them.
Leo looked like he wanted to cry but he managed to refrain himself from doing so.
Rodrigo looked like he wanted to kill somebody and I well, looked as pale as a fucking ghost.
Absolutely fucking great.

I felt helpless.
Truly and utterly helpless.
When you know the ones you love are hurting yet you can't help with the pain, it breaks your heart in more ways then one.

My head was pounding.
My eyes were shut.
I opened my eyes to see I was lying on the cold bathroom floor.
Why was I here?
Oh yeah shit.
I quickly picked up the phone that was sprawled across the floor.
" Alessandro I think I passed out"
" ah thank fuck baby. " he said relieved at the sound of my voice.
" my head is pounding" I told him
" there is pain killers in the cabinet. " he told me as I reached up immediately to get them.
I swallowed them, glad to have something good happen for once .

Getting louder.
And louder.
And louder.

" I have to go. Remember what I said baby. I love you " Alessandro told me
" I love you too " I told him.
I was pissed. I knew he had to board his flight but still the thought of him leaving me made me feel angry.

The footsteps were still getting louder.
They were quickening to the sound of my heartbeat.
Maybe it was best to die.
Maybe it was my time.
But the babies.
I have a family now.
And I'm going to save it.

Suddenly pounding on the door. The bathroom door was shaking.
I quickly picked up the gun and loaded it.
I held it right in front of me aimed at that door.
I was ready.

The pounding carried on.
Until the door crashed to the floor, revealing a dark figure stood right at the foot of the bathroom.
Before I could even blink.
I pulled the trigger.
My  aim was spot on.
But hell no I wasn't just going to stop at one.
I kept going.
I shot six times just to make sure the figure was dead.
Tears spilled down my cheeks.
I wasn't sure if it was relief or hurt.
I killed someone.

I felt frozen to the spot.
Like the lifeless body on the carpet.
Seeping out blood.
The reflection of ones life.

I finally stood up gathering all my energy to walk over to the body and check for a pulse.
I quietly and slowly walked over and crouched next to the body.
I slowly put my two fingers to the person neck.
I felt nothing.
I removed my fingers as I stated at the totally covered figure.
Suddenly I had the urge to lift up the balaclava.
I quickly removed it thinking the quicker I did it the better it would be.
Suddenly my breath hitched in my throat.
My father ?

It couldn't be.
But it was.
The same man I wish I just had the courage to kill all my life.
I'd finally done it.
Was I relieved?
Was I upset ?
I didn't know.
All I could do was sit by his lifeless body and not say a word.
Not a single word.

End of Chapter!

I'll update again at some point tomorrow.
Thank you for all the love on the last chapter.
What do you guys think to this chapter and the last?

Alessandro On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara