Breathless moments

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A few weeks later
16 weeks pregnant

I looked into the mirror, smiling down at my stomach. My bump was visible now. It was the perfect reminder when I get up in the mornings that I am receiving the gift of having a child. I rubbed my stomach lovingly as I stood trying to decide what to wear. I pulled out my pair of jeans from the cupboard however this was hopeless as my stomach was now getting too big.

( this is what 16 weeks looks like for those who don't know!)

( this is what 16 weeks looks like for those who don't know!)

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Suddenly the mood swings hit. I sat down onto my bed in defeat and cried. The tears flooded my cheeks. Each droplet of water, trickled down my red cheeks and fell onto my lap in despair.
Alessandro has dealt with my hormones surprisingly well over the last few weeks. I've been all over the place. One minute I'm craving his scent the next I'm crying over something stupid.
Luckily I am meeting the doctor for another check up today so I will bring it up with him .

I stood up from my bed and walked back to the wardrobe to carry on choosing an outfit. These days I didn't think anything looked nice.
Finally I chose a sweatshirt and leggings as it was comfortable.
I rolled down the stairs all happy again. Hormones are a complete bitch! Just as I got to the bottom of the stairs, the doorbell went. I shouted for any of the men to get it as it won't be for me yet nobody came out or said anything. I couldn't see them anywhere so they must be in the basement or out.
I walked towards the door and opened it. A man dressed in a suit was present at the door.
" how can I help you ?" I asked unsure of why he was here.
He smiled up at me as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper . He handed it to me and I cautiously took it from him.
This was an invitation to a Mascaraed ball tomorrow night. I looked up at the man.
" who is this for? " I asked
" oh my apologies. Where are my manners? This is for Alessandro and a plus one. " he informed me.
I nodded my head and thanked the man. As he walked back up the drive I shut the door and went to find Alessandro.
I slowly walked down the long dark corridors in the basement to see if they were in the training grounds. I pushed open the door and saw Alessandro punching a boxing bag. He had no T-shirt on, giving me a clear view of his abs. His sweat dropped off his body making him look like a Greek god. Every inch of his body glowed. Suddenly my heart beat a little faster.

I walked over to him and embraced my arms around him. As soon as he felt my touch he relaxed, as he knew it was me.
" this just came " I said handing him the invitation.
Alessandro took it from my hands and read it.
" Mia, would you be my plus one for dinner tomorrow night " he asked hopefully.
" I would love to ! " I said as I brushed my lips up against his. I savoured his scent and taste. Savoured it as if I was never going to have it again.
I pulled away with my eyes still closed. A smile spread across my face before I opened them. His dark eyes were filled with lust. Without another word he picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs.

He pushed my body against my bedroom door, making it slam shut. His lips connected with mine as my hands explored his abs. We broke apart as he breathlessly stood in front of me.
" what are you doing ?" I questioned him, unsure of why he stopped.
" now, princess I can't have you getting what you want that easily can I ?" He said as he placed a strand of my hair behind my ear. My breath caught in my throat as his hands roamed my body. I wanted every inch of his body more than I have ever before.
He kissed all up my neck sending shivers down my spine. Accidentally a small moan slipped from my lips instantly making Alessandro pull away. His eyes were full of desire.
He picked me up gently and carried me over to the bed. He hovered over me as he kissed every inch of my skin that was on show.
Our lips connected again as he lifted my top up over my head exposing my bare skin to the cold air.
" you are perfect " Alessandro muttered.

Later on we were in the clinic waiting for my name to be called. I still was finding it hard to recover from our little episode earlier. Every time I looked at Alessandro I gulped. He smiled to himself satisfied with the effect he has on me.
" Mia " the doctor stated as he waved at me to follow him. Alessandro instantly took my hand as we walked in to the room.
(At 16 weeks the appointment is just for any questions and a blood test)
" so how has everything been ?" The doctor asked.
" it's been good thanks. The only thing I have trouble with our morning sickness and mood swings "
" ahhh yes as expected. Morning sickness often only lasts until around 11 weeks but some will get it for the entire pregnancy. Just take the supplements that have been recommended and hopefully they will help. As for the mood swings I can also give some medication to try and limit this. " he told me
I sighed in relief and so did Alessandro. I guess he doesn't like my mood swings either.
" okay thank you doctor " I said as I stood up from my seat and shook his hand. I felt Alessandro's presence suddenly right next to me. A little growl escaped his lips as the doctor touched my hands.
As we left the doctors office we walked down the hallway to the exit when suddenly Alessandro gently backed me up against the wall.
My heartbeat beat quickened at how close he was to me.
" now baby girl, remember you're mine. I don't like that man touching you. " he whispered into my ear as he caressed my cheek.
I gulped and nodded my head.
As if nothing just happened we carried on walking and got back into the car.

End of chapter!

Ahhhh, 16 k like what!!!!!
Okay so sorry this took forever to upload. I'll try and upload a lot more. I can't believe the support I'm getting!

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