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A child. Having a child never crossed my mind as I was apart of the mafia and that's just how life is. I'm not the type of man to raise a baby. This just isn't right. Maybe she is lying ?

I drove around and around for a few hours before I finally went back home. I sighed before walking inside the front door. I walked in the lounge to see Mia being comforted by Leo. Shitttt. The last thing I want to do is make her upset but this just can't be mine. There is no way I'm going to have a child.

" I'll leave you two" Leo told us as he walked out the room.
Mia just stared at the ground looking helpless.
" Is it mine ?" I asked.
" is it fucking yours, of course it is. I'm SEVENTEEN I DONT EXACTLY SLEEP AROUND. YOU TOOK MY VIRGINITY" she replied angrily. The reminder of that night made me smirk before I turned back to the situation.
" and this is no joke. "
" why would I joke about this ?. Follow me " she told me as I followed her upstairs.
She led me into the bathroom and pulled out the cupboard five pregnancy tests.
She also pulled out all the boxes telling you that two lines meant positive.
Seeing the tests made it all seem even more real. I felt my face pale.
" this can't be real " I said worriedly
Mia nodded her head in reply.
In the blink of an eye, Mia was bent over the toilet bowl being sick.
Before I even thought about what I was doing I found myself holding her hair back and rubbing her back.
We sat like this for around 10 minutes before she told me she felt better.
" can you not get rid of it ?" I asked with no emotion in my face whatsoever.
I saw her mouth hit the floor in surprise.
" you're not serious are you ? " she asked looking now upset.
" I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it " was my cold response back.
" I am keeping this baby because it is my choice. I will do just fine on my own if you aren't going to help. I'm seventeen, do you think I planned for this to happen? Of course I didn't. Nobody in their right mind would plan to have a child at 17 when their father is abusive and are living in the mafia. "
" this is why, I don't think it's a good idea. Mia I'm only 20."
" well at least you aren't still a teenager." She whispered under her breath. She slammed the door behind her leaving me standing on my own.

Three days later
Three days have passed now. Alessandro and I haven't spoken since our last argument. It's fine, I can find ways of doing this on my own.
Earlier this morning I booked my check up for next week. It all seems so real once you have to start doing things like that.
For the past few days I've been catching up on school work I've missed. At some point I will go back to school and hopefully it will be soon.
I was sat in my room writing notes for biology when I heard a knock at my door.
" come in " I chirped hoping it would be Leo.
I was surprised once I saw who it was. That face I've missed these past few days. The person I tell myself I don't need but deep down I know I do. The person that I would do anything for.
I instantly looked back down at my notepad.
The bed dipped as he sat on the edge but he was still silent.
For once the silence actually seemed comforting.
" Mia I'm sorry " he truthfully told me.
Never did I ever think I would hear the word sorry come out of alessandro's mouth.
He carried on talking while I looked down at my book not giving him the satisfaction he wanted.
" I was such a dick. I'm so sorry. I acted as if this was all your fault and you did this on purpose. I'm not going to lie to you I'm scared. For a fact petrified. I never thought I would have a child. Never even dreamed of it. Despite our situation, I'm going to try and be the best dad I can possibly be. "
" I'm scared too." I admitted finally looking up at his face.
" I'll be there for you Mia. We are in this together. I won't leave you " he assured me as I crawled over to him and leaned against his shoulder. He lovingly put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.
" I love you " he muttered under his breath. I know he did it so I wouldn't hear but I did. Even though I felt the same I wasn't prepared to say it back, not yet.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Leo standing in the door with a smile across his face. He then left looking happy that things were finally okay.

End of chapter!
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