Meet the parents 2

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As soon as I saw my father standing in the door way my blood began to boil. I instantly stood up ready to knock him out if I needed to. Mia looked over at me questionably. As she was sat next to me she placed her hand on top of mine and grazed my hand with her thumb soothingly. This instantly calmed me.
My father approached us and stood in front of the sofa Mia and I were sat on.
" where are my manners?" She asked herself as she stood up quickly and held out her hand to greet my father.
" I am Mia " she said with a big smile on her face.
God, she is so naive.
" nice to meet you Mia. I'm alessandro's father. Call me Romeo " he said to her as he shook her hand. A little growl escaped my lips at my father touching my girl.
I looked at Mia and her smile dropped a little when she found out it was my father. However before my father noticed her big smile returned.
" may I say, you are absolutely stunning" my father said to mia as he touched her arm. I looked away not wanting to react to him.
Mia sat back down beside me and placed her hand on top of mine.
" are you two serious about your relationship?" My father asked as he took a seat next to my mother.
I spoke up " yes we are. In fact we have something to tell you guys "
I reached for mias hand with a big smile across my face.
" mias pregnant " I announced. My mother's hands flew to her face in shock however her eyes melted in adoration. My father however looked visibly angry.
" how could you ?" He asked.
" the mafia. The mafia is on the line " he shouted.
" Do not raise your voice at me, other wise I will not hesitate to snap your neck. I do not care if you are my father or not, and anyway you lost all permission to call me your son a long time ago. So don't try anything. " I warned him.
" is it true ?" Mother asked. Mia and I both nodded our heads and mother started to cry.
" I'm so happy for you guys " she said to us as she came rushing over and embraced us both. Happy tears were flowing down her cheeks.
Mia stood up and took of her jacket to show the bump. As soon as mother saw it she gasped in delight.
" my grandchild " she said loving.
" actually, grandchildren " Mia corrected.
It took mum a minute to realise what Mia said. As soon as she realised even more tears streamed down her face.

Mother had just called us for lunch as it was ready. Father went up to his office and hadn't spoken to us since the announcement. Stubborn son of a bitch.
We walked over to the table to see father and mother already sat down. Mia and I were sat at opposite ends of the dinner table. Well this is going to be fun.

Romeo had just left the table to get everybody drinks.
A few minutes later he came back with a bottle of red wine and four wine glasses.
He started to pour wine in each glass.
" I'm okay thank you. I can't have any " I told him, hoping he wouldn't be mad as he already poured it.
" ahh no you'll be okay it's only wine " he told me as he passed me the glass. I gulped and looked over to Alessandro. It was as if I could see the steam coming out of his ears. He shook his head at me telling me not to drink it.
I put it down on the table. Once Romeo saw I put the glass down he glared at me.
" Mia you must. It's a tradition. When we have a guest for everyone to drink wine. " he told me.
" I would love to but I can't. It's not safe for the babies" I told him apologetically.
" they will be fine. Now drink " he told me. I looked over at Alessandro who was ready to get out of his seat and knock out his father. He shook his head violently telling me not to drink it. Alessandro's mother was sat down with a concerned look on her face, she obviously knows it's for the best to not get involved.
I didn't pick up my wine glass, instead I started to eat. Suddenly Romeo stood up from the table and rushed over to me. He picked up my glass and held my head. He started to pour it into my mouth.
" I SAID DRINK IT" he shouted in my face.
Before he could tip much down my throat, Alessandro yanked him off me sending his dad flying to the floor.
" NEVER TOUCH MY GIRL. " he shouted as he repeatedly kicked his dad.
" Alessandro stop " his mum shouted. Alessandro instantly stopped.
He came rushing over to me and hugged me. " we are leaving " he announced as he picked up my jacket and grabbed my hand.
I quickly said goodbye to his mum and thanked her for everything.

We pulled up outside the hospital. I looked over at Alessandro confused as to why we were here.
" I need to get you checked. " he said as he got out the car and opened the door for me too.
" Alessandro I'll be fine " I assured him however he wasn't having any of it. He picked me up and carried me into the hospital entrance.

Alessandro and I were waiting  in the waiting room for my results of my scan and check to see if the babies are okay. Alessandro couldn't stop pacing around the waiting area. He's already thrown his phone at the floor, shattering it into small fragments.
Once he calmed back down I layed across his lap as he comfortingly played with my hair.
" I'm sorry about my father. " he told me with a sigh.
" don't apologise, it's not your fault " I told him.
Just before I was about to say something the doctor called us into the examination room.
" is everything okay " Alessandro asked nervously.
The doctor looked at us both and a smile spread across his face.
" everything is perfect " he told us.
I breathed a sigh of relief and so did Alessandro.
" thank you doctor " I told the doctor as Alessandro and I both grabbed our coats and headed home.

End of chapter!

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