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Namu: anyone know where jin is

Hoebi: huh

Namu: well he went home from the party didn't he

Namu: he just hasn't come back

Jiminie: erm

Jiminie: he's probably at his boyfriends

Yoongles: wasn't he sad about going back to his yesterday

Namu: yeah that's why i thought he would be back now

Taehyungie: i think drunk jin knows the reality of his relationship

Taehyungie: if he's sobered up he's gone back to being delusional

Jiminie: praying for him 😔

Namu: i mean he said he would need to come back to get his homework

Namu: so like i dont know i think that's he will be back soon

Hoebi: don't stress yourself

Hoebi: he will be fine

Namu: yeah

Kookoo: my man jin will be okay

Kookoo: omg my head feels like death

Yoongles: yeah i thought i was gonna have to take you to hospital for alcohol posing

Kookoo: i drank that much-

Yoongles: yes-


Kookoo: for what

Kookoo: i was pissed drunk last night

Kookoo: i don't remember shit

Taehyungie: okay okay

Taehyungie: just know that i'm sorry :(

Kookoo: okay(?)

Kookoo: i forgive you (?)

Jiminie: tae you are dumb

Taehyungie: yes

Jiminie: koo don't read the messages from last night

Kookoo: okay

Hoebi: thank you jimin

Jiminie: for what

Hoebi: saving there none existent relationship

Jiminie: ofc ofc

Jiminie: also gays

Jiminie: me and yoongi have something to say

Kookoo: omg your pregnant!!?!!!?&@"8?5&'

Kookoo: can i be the godfather

Jiminie: what the fuck-

Jiminie: no

Jiminie: and no

Hoebi: what's your news

Yoongles: me and jimin are dating

Taehyungie: HUH


Kookoo: how did it even-

Yoongles: well we were in a room

Yoongles: and then jimin went wanna hook up

Yoongles: so we did

Yoongles: and then he was like i like you

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