Memories of The Past

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"Oab, please! Stay with me, I can't do this. I can't throw our baby away!" 

A short guy could be seen kneeling on his knees, with a newborn baby in his arms, looking up at his boyfriend, Oab, with a pleading face. 

Oab stared down coldly at him.  

"Excuse me! 'Our'? I didn't sign up for this, I'm not ready to be a father just yet," Oab shouted back as the rain kept pouring down on both of them. 

"Me neither, but I am willing to try. Please Oab, you are a man for god's sake! Can't you be a responsible person?"

Oab inspected his fingernails to pass the time, then crouched down so that his face is level with the young man. He replied coolly:

"Whatever, Gun. It's my choice to be responsible, not yours. Besides, I only love you because of your looks. Not your heart. You don't belong to me anymore, you may strand yourself in the alleyways. I. Don't. Care."

Gun watched, heartbroken, as his now ex-boyfriend hopped in his car and drove away. Gun looked down at the baby in his arms, all he thought about is how his boyfriend had cheated on him. Not to mention the fact that Oab just dumped him like trash when he is the person who made him bear the baby. 

To be honest with himself, Gun isn't ready to become a mother just yet. He just turned 18 this year. Gun found himself standing in front of a building with a sign that says, 'Heart Orphan Love Orphanage'. With a heavy and broken heart, he wrapped the baby up tightly and gently in his bundle of cloth and lowered the child into a cardboard box. He felt in his pockets for his special pink Post-It notepads and his pen. He stuck the written note on the cover of the box and left it on the doorstep of the building. 

Gun walked blindly along a highway, with no money and nowhere to rest his tiredness. Then, he heard an oncoming vehicle, the driver honked at him but he took no notice. He spread out his arms and as the car smashed into him, he waited for Death to take him somewhere else...

somewhere like...


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