Dreams and Invitations

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4 Years Later...

"Nong' Gun~ Guuunnn~"

The sound sounded far away, yet it seemed to be coming closer. And closer, and closer until the warm breath melted the young man's cold ears.

"Wake up, Little Gun." Gun's eyes fluttered open to see the face of another man sitting on a beanbag beside his bed. The older man smiled at him, wearing a black button-down collared shirt with one unbuttoned, black loose cut-off jeans, and a pair of silver ring earrings pinned on his earlobe.

Gun sat straight up, his doll face covered in sweat

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Gun sat straight up, his doll face covered in sweat. He returned the smile half-heartedly, and then tears started welling up as the memories of his recent breakup swirled around in his mind. He buried his face in his hands, nose sniffling and teardrops flowed through his fingers.

"Gun, are you okay?" said the older man, who stopped smiling and began to look concerned. His fingers touched Gun's wet cheeks, and grabbed a handful of tissues, gently wiping the sweat and tears off the young man's face. Gun pulled himself towards the man and cried in his shirt. "P'Off, it came again."

Off, the name of the older man, hugged back while feeling cold as Gun's tears soaked his shirt, but he didn't care. All he cares is about his boyfriend's feelings now. Off gently pulls back the short man by the shoulders and patted his hair. He stared at Gun's wet eyes, tear-streaked cheeks and pouting lips. Off asked, "Nightmare?" His short boyfriend nodded slightly. Off gave a comforting smile and ruffled his hair.

"It's alright, Little Gun. I'm right here with you, and no matter what happens, we'll face it together. "

Gun wiped his tears off his face, despite the past ten years, he could still remember what his ex had said to him with that same sentence. He wrapped his arms around P'Off, kissed his neck and replied, "Thanks, P'Off." Off tilted his head to the side and said, playfully, "P'Off? Where did my nickname go?"

Gun just smiled at his boyfriend, then he noticed Off's clothes. "Where are you off to, hyungie? We don't have any fan meetings today." Off face clearly showed surprise, "Didn't Tay send you the invitation?" Gun, confused, asked: "What invitation?" His boyfriend rolled his eyes, but said nothing and pulled out his phone from his pocket, he scrolled through Line and showed Gun his text conversation with Tay.


Today 2.59am

T_Tawan: Hey, Off.

PrinceO: What is with the early text? It's 3 am for god's sake.

T_Tawan: Sorry.

T_Tawan: But I almost forgot to send you my invitation for today.

PrinceO: ???

T_Tawan: Hold on, I'll ✉ it to you.

PrinceO: Woah woah woah, hold your 🐴, Tay.

PrinceO: This isn't another one of your tricks again, ain't it?🤔🤔

T_Tawan: Don't spill your anger on me just yet, I know Gun is with u so...

T_Tawan: I thought maybe he wanna come to my birthday party :)

PrinceO: Send him the invitation, and ask him yourself.

T_Tawan: Nope.

T_Tawan: U ask him. I'm busy. Bye.

PrinceO: 😠


"Today?!" Gun asked, his fingers scrolling up and down Off's phone screen repeatedly. Then, Gun squealed with excitement, this made him get out of the bed like a bouncy little bunny. Blinded with excitement, Gun squeezed Off in a tight bear hug, whose arms were glued to his body, then went off to the bathroom happily. He thought to himself, as he rinsed his soapy body with water.

'This just made my day sparkle, what could go wrong?'

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