18: A Long Day

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I burst through the doors of my childhood home. It was evening now, and the smell of a freshly cooked dinner filled the air.

"Y/n," my mom smiled as I charged through the house. "Honey, are you ok?" she called out in a concerned voice as she watched me.

My dad and Shikamaru were already sitting at the table.

I used my shadow to grab my father, and I slammed him against the wall.

"Y/n!!!" Shikamaru screamed as he jumped to his feet.

"Stay back, Shikamaru," I growled as I got in my father's face.

"Tell me it's not true," I snarled as I looked into his eyes.

The person who had protected me from everything. The person who had always supported me and loved me... The person I trusted more than anyone in the world.

"Dad please," I squeaked out. "Tell me it's not true. Tell me you didn't know about Itachi!!"

He was trying to speak, but my shadow grip was preventing him. I released him and watched him fall the floor. I stood tall as I waited for him to catch his breath.

"Y/n," he said softly as he got back to his feet. "We should talk about this alone."

My mom and Shikamaru were on high alert as they watched us, but I could tell the confusion was setting in around them.

"I trusted you," I cried out in a soft voice. "How could you do this? How could you let this happen and say nothing!?"

"It's more complicated than that. Itachi knew that too. He agreed to this."

"We were children!" I screamed at him. "You stole everything from him!!"

I looked into his sad and regretful eyes.

"You stole everything from me," I muttered out before turning to leave.

"Y/n! Please! Don't go!" he called out after me.

I stopped at the door and turned my head back slightly, "Don't come looking for me. I'll be back soon enough."

"Y/n!" my family shouted out after me as I disappeared into the ever-darkening night.

Itachi, you have some explaining to do too.

**Kakashi's POV**

"So, she found out?" Tsunade mumbled as she sat there full of concern, her hands crossed in front of her.

"I-it's true then?" I asked with wide eyes.

She sighed, "The village has a long history of handling things poorly. It's one of the reasons I became Hokage. I wanted to change it."

"You knew all this time and didn't tell her? She deserved to know... She shouldn't have found out this way," I stared both of them down.

"Yes, well, it's too late for that," Tsunade huffed out.

"She's going to find him," Jiraiya spoke up, and my heart shattered with those words.

I didn't want her to join him. I didn't want her to go back to him. I wanted her here with me. I wanted to keep her safe and warm and loved...

I couldn't deny it, I was falling in love with her. And to know she was out there hurting, it was more than I could bare.

"What do we do?" Jiraiya asked again.

Tsunade sighed, "We have so much to worry about right now. Let's send Team Kakashi on their next mission, and then we'll decide."

"I'm going after her," I stated coldly. "The team has Yamato."

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