25: Future Plans

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*Kakashi POV*

"Mind if I sit?" I asked as I walked up to her.

She glanced up at me, and even though she looked a bit annoyed, the way the sunlight hit her golden eyes made my heart start to race.

She moved her feet a bit so I could sit down and then rest her legs on top of me, stretching out fully once again.

"Can we talk?" I asked as I looked at her, but the book was covering her face from my view. "I'm really sorry about not having your back yesterday."

Immediately, she put the book down and sat up, looking so concerned as she stared at me, "I've been reviewing this in my head nonstop, Kakashi... Why did you hesitate? Do you really not trust me?"

I was honestly shocked. She didn't seem mad at all as she spoke, just sad and worried. I thought she would be ending things with me, not trying to work it out.

"Wait. So you're not breaking up with me?"

She furrowed her brows as she tilted her head a bit, "Break up with you? Why on earth would I do that?"

"Well, because I was kind of an ass."

She laughed softly, "Yes, you kind of were. But I have no intention of letting that get in the way of our entire relationship. I just want to talk it out."

"It's just, everyone always ends up leaving," I barely whispered. "And you were so mad."

"Kakashi," she grabbed my hand. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I know I kept away from you yesterday, but it was to avoid saying anything I'd regret."

"Just take some time alone to calm down. It's better than just arguing pointlessly, you know?"

I smiled softly under my mask. We were both so inexperienced at relationships, but we were both trying so hard.

"I'm glad you're not going anywhere," I said as I leaned in. "I really do trust you."

I watched as she began to chew on the inside of her lip, a look of hesitation on her face. Almost as thought she didn't quite believe me.

"Y/n!" Yamato called out, interrupting our conversation. His back was facing us though, so he had no way of knowing we were in the midst of finally talking this out.

"Need to switch!?" She called back.

He groaned out loudly, "Yes please."

She smirked as she shook her head, getting ready to stand up, "Can we talk about this more later? I still just don't understand what happened."

"Yea, of course," I mumbled as I watched her walk over to Yamato. Naruto was already complaining that he had to stop for literally 2 minutes as they switched out.

Y/n sat on the ground, getting ready to start her own sealing technique, as Yamato walked over and sat next to me.

"You ever seen her do this before?" he asked me.

I shook my head, "No."

"Me either. Should be interesting. It's kind of crazy we're witnessing something that hasn't happened in like 100 years."

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