Chapter 24

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*Pia Pov*

"Guys! Don't drag me like this." I shouted at Dinesh and Rajeev. As for Sush he is holding Angel carefully.

I looked at Nikki and Priya to see them dragging Aman to their side. "Don't touch his fingers they are burned."

"Don't worry! We will take care of him." Suma said teasingly and I just rolled my eyes.

"Ok! Now Pia is in our team and Aman is in yours. Let's start the decoration." Sush said looking at Arthi.

"Isn't it should be girls versus boys?" I asked them confused.

"Yeah! But here we are trying to prove that you are the best and they will try to prove that Aman is the best." Rajeev replied.

"I will not participate." I said moving away.

"Please! We will do anything." Rajeev said pleading.

"Ok! I am actually inviting all our parents but I don't have address for Aman's In-Law's house. So you must go and bring them tomorrow." I said looking at him.

"What? Why should we invite them?" Dinesh asked frowning.

"Because they are real grandparents of Angel." I replied in 'Duh' tone.

"Ok deal! Now will you fight them with us?" Rajeev asked smiling.

"Definitely!" I replied and we all high-fived.

"Guys! You are my friends." Aman shouted from that end.

"And they are all my friends but looks like we need to go with it. All the best Aman!" I said smiling.

"All the best Pia!" he said winking.

"We will decorate the inside house and also get Aman ready. And by tomorrow evening you guys will be jealous of him." Suma said looking at us.

"That's not fair! We will have so much work left for us to do if you guys only do the inside decorations." Kalyan said frowning.

"Well this is your chance. Prove yourselves that you all are not old." Priya said winking.

"Ok then we will decorate the outside house and the entire garden because ofcourse looks like we have more strength than you all." Kalyan said laughing.

"And we will make Pia the hottest girl for tomorrow party." Dinesh added.

"Oh god!" Aman and I said at the same time.

It is already evening and I am having great time with the boys. I am only close to Sush and Kalyan until now but now I am very good with Dinesh and Rajeev too.

"So tomorrow morning we will go for shopping." Dinesh said excitingly.

"Thank god! Atleast one of us are excited about the shopping thing." I said and we all laughed.

"I am not excited about that. I am excited about making them realize that we didn't act like some old people." Dinesh said rolling his eyes.

"Ok. And I will bring her parents here." Rajeev said and we all got up.

We went inside to see that all the decorations are almost over but we are very back comparing to them.

"Hey you can't do all those on me." Aman complained to Arthi.

"Come on Bhai! They are just pedicures, waxing and etc." Arthi said rolling her eyes.

"No way! I will not do any of those things. You already made me decorate all these." Aman said shaking his head.

"Ok. We will not do them." Nikki said laughing.

They all left and said they will come early. I closed the door and turned around to only shriek.

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