Chapter 2: a bad arrival

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(Fireys pov)
I slowly walk into the bakery, I stay behind coiny, which he didn't seem to notice at all. I could feel everyone staring at me, I looked around and all I could see some moving away from me, trying not to get close. I felt so embarrassed, showing up, I could feel the fear everyone had. It troubled me, I should've just stayed home, instead of being here, I could feel this sick feeling. I realized we made it to where you would order.
"Ayeeee pin!" Coiny exclaimed. Right. He knew pin, I'm so forgetful. I could hear pin giggling.
"Hello coiny, welcome back, do you want the usual?" She replied. Her voice, it seemed a bit weird, I decided not to say anything, my words can come off a bit rude sometimes.
"Yes please, oh and, can my friend here get something as well?" Coiny pulled me to the front. I shook, stupid coiny! If he thinks that I could possibly be friends with her without her being freaked out then-
"Sure! What can I get you?" Oh-
But- she's looking right at me. She's not terrified? All I could do was stand in silence.
"Erm- why don't you just get him a chocolate cake" coiny said.
"Sure thing! I'll go right ahead and do them, don't worry it won't take long-"
"The oven is broken!" One of the workers said.
"Oh boy, sorry. Without an oven to bake the stuff I can't really make anything until it's fixed!" Pin exclaimed, everyone was upset.
"I-I can assist." I finally said. Everyone looked in shock, even coiny. "I m-mean, I'm warm enough to heat up like an oven, not burn stuff." I just got so many objects to stare at me. Should I have just kept quiet? I don't know what to do anymore, pin looked at me and as she opened her mouth she said,
"That's not a bad idea! Hold on let me get my equipment!" She ran into the kitchen to do so. A few minutes later she came out with everything ready, waiting for it to heat up, I just stood still as she baked using me to heat it up. 20 minutes in and some of the stuff was ready.
"Normally it takes a while to bake these sweets but your heat makes it better!" She said.  Moments later everyone got what they wanted, something I didn't get used to was everyone talking to me, telling me that I helped and thanks. I just smiled nervously.
"Woah you managed to change their opinions on you? Wow I'm soooo surprised" coiny said in sarcasm.
"Oh shut it," I said, punching him in the arm.
"You congratulate the flame but not question why he did this?" I heard a voice say, everyone just backed away, it was none other than match. I don't need to be new in town to figure out that she's a complete jerk. Besides she's picked on me before, she does it to anyone who can't pick up a fight, which is me. "What do you like, want out of this?" She claimed.
"I'm not doing this for anything, I did it to help, but you wouldn't know what that is unless it's just for yourself now would you." I replied back, she looked at me with a dark glare, I got her good.
"Excuse me, says the one that like, doesn't even dare come out of their home for judgment-"
"Judgement you give me." I could see coinys face telling me that this was a bad idea, and I stare at pin only to see that she looked nervous. I sighed, "i don't have time for this, cmon coiny lets go."
"Right behind you," he said.
"Scared to pick up a fight? Or do you know I'll just hurt you in doing so~" she replied. I stopped, I could feel myself heat up even more, boiling in anger. "Ooo be careful, you might hurt someone if you keep burning up like that~"
coiny was about to say something before I sprit to her "you want a freaking fight? Fine i'll give you one! You judgmental sack of nuts!"
"Firey!" Coiny shouted.
"Careful, you dont wanna burn something with that temper now do you" match kept making me mad. I could see everyone becoming scared again but I didn't care. "Man, as if you didn't lose stuff already, good thing is that I have way more better stuff."
"Tell me something you have that is way more better than what I have then!" I barked.
"Oh i don't know maybe- oh right! I have friends, fame, a lover, stuff you could never have because everyone's so afraid of you." I felt an ache on my heart, i didn't know now what to say, but I couldn't just let her beat me like this.
"I do have...friends-" is all I could come up with. She laughed at my reply, I didn't know what to do.
"Wow, I see why you only have like, about two then, you're alone, you'll never be loved, you're a goner on your own, why is that? Oh right, no one likes you that's what! No one loves you, and they never will." I felt my heart shattered into pieces. She was right. I could feel tears coming up in my eyes.
"I-I..." I couldn't even speak.
"Oh looks like I got you huh?~"
"Match!" Coiny yelled, "you really should know how to be better, you're a fire element just like him!"
"Well at least I know how to control my flames, I don't have them anyways."
"But you should still know better! He has feelings you know- firey wait!" I ran out of the bakery, tears running down, I could hear him from the distance but I didn't stop.
Nobody likes me. nobody likes me. nobody likes me. Nobody likes me. Nobody likes me. They hate me. They hate me. They hate me. They hate me. They hate me. They really do hate. That's all my thoughts were filled with. As I thought of it more I felt more tears coming down, rolling from my face to the floor.


I got tired of running, all I could think was where the heck was I? It didn't seem to be some place I was familiar with, despite not really exploring this city much. The more I walked the more flowers I saw, not many plants besides yoyleberries are in the city much. I finally stumbled upon some sort of large gate, is this some kind of barrier? Why would it be here? I continued to question it, but then I just stopped and sat down on the grass. I hugged my legs, trying to stop crying, I sighed. "She's right," I said to myself. I was shocked when I heard something on the other side. I stood up, but then I heard a voice.
//authors note:
Lol okay I get it, not all the chapters are long but I'm trying my best to get them done so I can post them. And I'll admit making match rude wasn't my plan at all. But I didn't know who to make as the bad guy here to I'm sorry! I know I made match mean and I'm sorry about that! 😭
AnYwAyS have a wonderful day everyone baiiii for now go to the next chapter lol

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