.+*Understanding the rulers*+.

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Okay, so I don't exactly have the next chapter ready, but I gotta introduce the rulers for you since they would be brought up for the next chapter

So on leafys side there's a ruler as she's mentions before who doesn't let them go to the other side and all that

When planning this I instead made two rulers instead of just one

Ruler 1:
NOT TREE IT IS NOT TREE, I thought of him at first but then went off the idea and decided that if I were to make rulers it would have to be my own designs or own characters
So I made this guy, I call him oak :>
Oak is a pretty well ruler who seems to fear a little of the outside of the barrier, but he's kind to all, he instead of wanting to bring bad when something bad happens, or when an object breaks the rules he likes to talk things out instead of giving punishments, he can easily be convinced with anything and he's a pleasing guy, he just doesn't want anyone to go out of the barrier because he doesn't want anyone getting hurt

Ruler 1:NOT TREE IT IS NOT TREE, I thought of him at first but then went off the idea and decided that if I were to make rulers it would have to be my own designs or own charactersSo I made this guy, I call him oak :>Oak is a pretty well ruler who...

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He's a sweet guy :>
I really enjoy his design and personality too, he's a misunderstood guy and he is mostly taken as a fearful leader to all the other objects since rulers can be scary, but when finally meeting him he's a sweet ol softy

Ruler 2:
This, is cherry blossom, she's a bit different-
Cherry blossom does happen to fear the other side, but instead of being like oak, she punishes anyone that dares to even be near the other side IF caught
She's the one that has the harsh rules and punishments, she's not at all kind, pretty mean and will do anything she can to hold onto her power, but to be frank she's just a misunderstood bad guy. She does so many wrong things to prevent a bad idea from spreading, shes pretty manipulative and she's the one that is in charge of the guards since oak doesn't want any violence

Like mentioned she's a very misunderstood bad guy, for why I cannot say yet, but very later on you'll see why she does all the things, which isn't an excuse for what she does but it's all she knows how to do :)

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Like mentioned she's a very misunderstood bad guy, for why I cannot say yet, but very later on you'll see why she does all the things, which isn't an excuse for what she does but it's all she knows how to do :)

I know it's not a chapter but, just wanted you all to see the two rulers, very interesting here uvu

I've been listening to a lot of undertale music-
Anyways, until the next time I publish, see ya! Love you all!
- Ace♠️♥️

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