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The best way to change a person is always the hardest way. Very few true people are accepted, simply because they are the way they are and not the way others want them to be. None of us are perfect, yet each one of us can change for the better. Many people try to change others by teaching them to become like the teacher; by pointing out their weaknesses and by judging and rejecting them. All these are the worst choices anyone can make. The only way you can succeed is by changing someone who needs to change through loving how he or she is accepting that change. This way, the other person will become more confident, and the love you are offering will help build strength. Love is very powerful, yet hard to give unconditionally to everyone. You can never know when you will meet a person who is constantly rejected because of the lack of humanity in our world. Your role is to save this poor soul and to heal this broken heart through love. Assembling the broken pieces of a heart back into one will reconcile the person's feelings and thoughts. This is really hard to go through; however, you both will be rewarded with love. Try to love the ones who hurt you. If you truly believe that your love will stop a person from throwing bullets at you, you will be able to offer love stronger than the pain that you were offered. This love will easily erase all the harm and help in healing scars.

- P.M. Boustany

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