Before You Read

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First, thank you to take the time to read this story ^^

Also, a couple of warnings before the story begins:

– I'm French. That means my English is not perfect (far from it) and maybe not really poetic or novel-like (if I can say that). I can make mistakes (and surely will) so feel free to correct me anytime.

– I've read the HP books in French, so maybe I'll do mistakes on names. Let me explain myself. In English, you all know Hogwarts. Well, in French, it's "Poudlard". Muggle becomes "Moldu" in French and it goes on. There are a lot of specific words that change in the French version of the books. I'm going to search the more I can so I don't make too many mistakes but some may be present (again, tell me if I've done one!)

– Be aware that this story is not the only one I'm writing, so I don't know how often I'll be able to publish chapters. I warn you, it may take time.

Without more talk, let's begin the story!

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