3. First Witchcraft Lessons

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The sun shone directly on Y/N's face. He got up slowly, looked at his watch and decided to take his time. He still had forty-five minutes before breakfast. He got out of the dormitory with his new blue and black robe on. It was embroidered with the Ravenclaw crest. In the common room, twenty were up already, reading while waiting. Some were just half-asleep. Y/N looked at the book on the shelves. He saw hundreds of complicated pieces like The complete magical properties of mermaid tails or even some like Discovering forgotten spells, how to find them. He wondered how students were supposed to have the needed level to read those kinds of books.

"You must be asking yourself how we're able to read all of this," said a voice behind him.

Y/N turned around and faced the prefect of his house.

"Robert Hilliard," said the guy. "Welcome to Ravenclaw. It's you that has made the Sorting Hat hesitate for seven minutes, isn't it?"

"Thanks," replied Y/N. "Yes, it's me."

"Well, I hope you'll enjoy yourself here! And don't be too intimidated. Those books are quite simple to read once you're started. Myself, I've read more than half of them and I'm only a fifth year."

He then walked away and, while watching his watch, went through the door of the common room. Y/N chose to do the same, breakfast had surely begun. Indeed, it had. This time, when he got to the Great Hall, he found the huge room and the four long tables again. But now, students went to sit wherever they wanted, mixing themselves in a red, blue, yellow, green and black swirl. Y/N spotted Hermione, Harry and Ron at the second table from the right and joined them.

"Hello," he said. "You slept well?"

"Y/N!" exclaimed Ron. "Yes. The Gryffindor common room is awesome. How's the Ravenclaw?"

"It's great! We have our little private library and the ceiling is like the sky. We have the impression to be outside all the time, without the cold, of course."

The moment he sat, owls began to appear everywhere. They dropped packages and letters on the students and Y/N got his own—from his mother. He could read dozens of questions, asking if everything was alright, in which house he had been sorted, if he had friends...

"Hey, look!" shouted a boy named Dean Thomas, if Y/N remembered well the Sorting Ceremony. "Neville got himself a Remembrall!"

"I've read about those," Hermione said. "When the smoke turns red it means you've forgotten something." As she was spoking, the mist inside the glass ball Neville had in hand turned red.

"The only problem is I can't remember what I've forgotten," he complained.

They continued to eat. During that time, Professor McGonagall came to give them their timetables. Y/N had Transfiguration, Potion and Herbology in common with Gryffindor, others with Hufflepuff. This morning precisely, he started with Transfiguration, then came Potions. He talked a moment with Hermione—she seemed to know pretty much everything of the first year lessons already, not a bad idea to listen a little to what she said. When the two of them finished eating, they went out of the Great Hall, still talking.

"You see that spell?" she told him as they were walking to the Transfiguration class. She was pointing at a line in one of her books.

"Alo...homo...ra," read Y/N. "What does it do?"

"With it, you can unlock any door. Well, not if there's a counter-charm on it, but you understand that."

They arrived at the class. Professor McGonagall was nowhere to be seen. The room was empty except for a cat sitting on the desk facing the door.

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