26. A Torn Portrait

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Y/N woke up in the infirmary, surrounded by Madam Pomfrey, some Ravenclaws and Gryffindors, Hermione, Harry and Ron.

"You don't look too good," Ron said.

"What did you expect?" a Ravenclaw said. "The shock mustn't have done him any good."

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, well, could do better...." Y/N said dizzily.

"That was splendid!" Davies said, a big smile on his face. "If I may say so, that jump was splendid, Y/N."

He sat a little straighter in the bed. "Er...thanks."

"I still get chills from it!" Davies said, more to himself than anybody else.

"What happened?" Y/N asked.

"Well...." Ron started to say.

"You jumped off your broom to shoot—" Harry said.

"And he did it!" Davies said again. "I couldn't believe it!"

"You were holding your broom with one hand," Harry continued, "but in your fall, a Buldger sent by Fred hit you in the head—"

"I didn't mean to!" Fred said. "Sorry, Y/N. I wasn't aiming at you, I swear."

"You're lucky Jeremy caught you in mid-air," Harry finished.

"Jeremy? Where is he?" Y/N asked.

"Probably in the common room," a Ravenclaw said. "If you ask me, he's furious—Randolph scored while he saved you. I think afterwards he'd have preferred to let you down...."

"A horrible lack of fair play!" Davies said indignantly. "I'm always advocating for efficiency, but a team member's life is worth more than a point scored! I tried to tell Jeremy, but he'd already left."

"But then...who did you pick for the team?" Y/N asked, worried.

"Oh, right, you don't know yet, it slipped my mind. Well, Cho Chang's the Seeker, Grant Page the Keeper, Ducan Inglebee and Jason Samuels the Beaters, and Jeremy, you and me the Chasers."

Y/N felt the knot in his stomach disappear. He was taken! He would have jumped from joy all over if he hadn't been in that bed.

"Of course, I've automatically eliminated Randolph," Davies explained. "I don't want his attitude representing us. With that said," he added, "I'll let you rest. Welcome to the team."

Roger Davies walked out of the infirmary, soon followed by the other Ravenclaws and Gryffindor, who all wished Y/N a rapid recovery.

"You gave me a big scare, you know?" Hermione said in a quaking voice. "You gave us a big scare."

"Speak for yourself!" Ron said. "I thought it was brilliant!"

"He could have hurt himself, Ron!"

"It still was brilliant."

"What about you, Harry?" Y/N asked, eager to change the subject. "How did it go?"

"I'm still Gryffindor's Seeker. It wasn't that hard. The team hasn't changed actually."

A few weeks later, on Halloween, the first Hogsmeade weekend took place. The castle was buzzing excitedly with the chatters of the students, from third to seventh year.

Y/N was talking with Hermione and Ron when he heard Professor McGonagall arriving in the corridor before the Great Hall, saying to Harry, "No permission form signed, no visiting the village. That's the rule, Potter."

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