08: Under Pressure

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Under Pressure

TW// Death, Mentions of rape, Gore (Anything that would normally be mentioned in an episode of Criminal Minds)
This case is based off of season 1 episode 15: Unfinished Business. I did change some events though! Blair, Rossi, and Emily will replace some lines that would normally be spoken by other team members; hope this is okay!

Battlefield by Jordan Sparks
"One minute it's love
And, suddenly, it's a battlefield"

Battlefield by Jordan Sparks"One minute it's loveAnd, suddenly, it's a battlefield"

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One week later

"Blair! Blair, where are you?" Riley shouted.

"I'm here, Coop, I'm here!" She waved her arms, flailing them around trying to get his attention.

A thick fog separated the two, but fortunately the smoke wasn't effecting Blair; she was perfectly fine. Riley on the other hand, was struggling to breath. The smoke inhalation causing him to cough repeatedly.

"Blair, please! Say something!" He cried out.

She tried to run through the fog, to tell him she was completely fine, but as she ran, she was bounced back. The fog acting as a barrier, not allowing her to pass.

Blair banged against the fog- that was essentially a wall, "Riley! Save yourself before it's too late! Please!"

He stared back at where she was standing, but made no response. She could see him, but he couldn't see her.

"Riley, please!" Blair cried, tears streaming down her face as she watched him collapse to the ground, gasping for air.

He clutched his chest, laying there, before his body froze. The fog instantly lifted, and Blair ran over to where his body lay. She went to grab it, but just like that, he was gone. Disappearing into nothing.

"What the hell?" Blair whispered to herself, she frantically tapped around the ground where his body once was. "Riley?"

Blair shot awake, panting heavily. Awoken from yet another nightmare, she was doused in sweat. It was a reoccurring dream, taking place in her mind every night.

Groaning, she looked at her alarm clock that read 5:45, fifteen minutes before her alarm was supposed to go off. Deciding she'd just get ready for work now, she rolled out of bed to start her day.

After getting dressed and ready, she made herself a cup of coffee, pouring it into her favorite mug Riley had gotten her for her birthday last year. It read "World's best profiler," he had it custom made.

Blair made her way out of the house, locking the door behind her. She then hopped in her car and headed off to her first day back at work. She opted not to take the additional time off like Hotch had suggested, not wanting to seem weak.

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