10: Reflections of the Past

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Reflections of the Past

*Italics indicate flashback*

The Night We Met by Lord Huron
"Take me back to the night we met
And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you"

The Night We Met by Lord Huron"Take me back to the night we metAnd then I can tell myselfNot to ride along with you"

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"I cannot believe he broke up with you!" Garcia exclaimed loudly, already on her fourth drink of the night.

The girls basically dragged Blair out to Lenny's, saying she couldn't be alone. They felt bad for her, knowing everything she was going through right now. They didn't know the entire situation between Blair and their boss, but were pretty pissed at the fact that he broke up with her.

"It's whatever, guys, really. I just," Blair shrugged, "don't care anymore."

"Yeah, whatever! Who needs that jerk anyways?" Emily stated, "Welcome to the single girls club," she held her glass up.

"Not that I'm single, but I'll drink to that," JJ laughed, clinking her glass with Emily's.

"I think you're forgetting about Penelope and Kevin," Blair reminded, "but I won't hesitate to drink to being single," she laughed before joining her martini glass with Emily and JJs. "I for one, am never getting into another relationship."

"Amen sister!" Emily giggled.

"I don't believe that for a second, you and Hotch are bound to get back together," said Garcia, "Have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"I highly doubt that, especially after how we left things," Blair dramatically rolled her eyes. Trying to change the subject, she asked, "So, Pen, how are things with you and Kevin?"

"Oooh! Really good actually, I think we might be getting serious!" She smiled, as the rest of the girls engaged in the new conversation.

Although Blair initiated the subject, she couldn't help but stare off behind the group, at the man standing at the bar. His tall and lengthy body leaning against the bar. The dark black hair swinging right at his collar bones, way longer than the last time she'd spoken with him. Blair immediately felt herself sober up when she realized exactly who it was.

Again? Really?

He turned around, locking eyes with Blair. They stared for a second, Blair terrified, as he on the other hand, sent a sinister look, his eyes drawing up and down her body before winking and walking off, out of Blair's sight.

It was the same man she saw weeks ago with Riley at the fair. Her ex-boyfriend, Peter Sanders.

Blair shifted herself in her seat, feeling tremendously uncomfortable. Was he stalking her? Why and how was he back?

"Hey, are you alright?" JJ asked, noticing Blair's decline in interaction.

Blair didn't respond, only staring at where Peter once stood. She felt bile raise in the back of her throat, but she quickly swallowed the bitter feeling.

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