21: Wake Up Call

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Wake Up Call

Are You With Me by nilu
"Wake up, stay with me
Through the flood and through the fear
Right now, I need you here
I need you to stay strong
And remind me where I came from"

Are You With Me by nilu"Wake up, stay with meThrough the flood and through the fearRight now, I need you hereI need you to stay strongAnd remind me where I came from"

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Blair repeatedly shook her head, refusing to believe what had just occurred, "No, no, no!"

She began to run towards the building, in hopes of somehow finding Hotch alive, but a pair of large arms wrapped around her, preventing her from moving onwards.

"Let me go!" Blair shouted as Morgan picked her up off the ground. She thrashed her legs, kicking them frantically as her fists attempted to punch his arms off of her. "Derek, please!" With Morgan being double her size, it was no use. He had her trapped in his hold. Her struggle began to cease as she realized he would never relent.

Blair's legs gave out, collapsing her to the ground. Her pony tail was now in shambles, strayed hairs covering her sweat painted face.

"Addams, we can't go in yet," Rossi tried to conceal the terrified agent, but they all feared the worst was yet to come.

"No, no, no," Blair repeated, "He can't be dead!" She cried.

They tried to continue to console her, but Blair refused to move from her crouched position. That is, until a deep, "I'm here!" was heard faintly from the distance.

The entire team looked up to where the bellow was heard from, seeing an arm waving from the ground through the thick smoke. Blair immediately rose, sprinting after the man shouting. Her legs never faltered as she ran as fast as she could. The wind blowing her hair behind her.

"Aaron!" She shouted, trying to find him on the ground. She heard coughing, coming from a few yards in front of the house. Approaching him, she fell to her knees, hovering over his frail body.

"Jo?" he coughed out, trying to push himself upwards, but he failed, not having the strength to do so.

"Aaron, Aaron, it's okay. I'm here," Blair rushed out as the tears streamed down her face. A small smile formed, seeing that he was alive. There was no major injuries on his outside, it looked as of he was just blown away from the aftermath of the bomb. His face was covered in ash, black smudges covering his skin and clothing.

"Jo, look at me," Hotch requested, and her tear filled eyes met his. "I'm fine, just a little knocked up," he chuckled, but coughed immediately following.

"God! You are the one who was nearly just blown up! I should be the one consoling you!" Blair spoke. The tears began to slow, but that couldn't stop the feeling forming inside of her.

The rest of the team made their way over, Rossi and Morgan helping Hotch to his feet. They both were at his side, each with an arm around him walking him back to the ambulances and cars. Hotch walked with his head held low, a slight limp as he was guided to the ambulance.

Blair, Reid, and the girls followed behind in silence. Astonished yet grateful that their boss was still alive. Grateful yet so angered, Blair especially.

"We should get him to the hospital," the EMT suggested, helping Hotch into the gurney.

"I'm fine," he stated, trying to resist the much needed aid.

"Oh, you're going," Rossi stated. "We'll meet you there." The paramedics loaded him into the back of the ambulance, and the team left off to their SUVs.

"Wait, Addams!" Hotch shouted, making Blair spin on her heel, facing him once again. He looked at her with a look she had never seen before, "Come with me?" He asked. Blair nodded, as much as she was full of a mixture of emotions, it was the least she could do.

Climbing into the ambulance next to him, the paramedics shut the doors behind them, hopping in the front to bring them to the nearest hospital.

Aaron cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, Jo." Seeing she was still on edge, he engulfed his hand with hers. She reciprocated, gripping it tightly with both hands, feeling as if she let go, she would never feel his touch again.

Blair let out a loud sigh of relief, "Don't ever scare me like that again," she chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"I think I'm done with that for a while."

Once they reached the hospital, Hotch was brought to his room. The team awaited in the lobby as the multiple nursers and doctors came in and out, completing their multiple tests.

He was mostly fine, only experiencing a concussion and bruising along his body. For nearly getting blown up, things could have been much worse. He was ordered to stay overnight for a day or two however due to the smoke build up in his lungs. They wanted to keep him on oxygen just to ensure he would be perfectly healthy when time to go home.

Since visiting hours had passed, the team was unfortunately forbidden to enter Hotch's room.

"Everyone should head home," Rossi suggested, "It's been a long day. We could all use the rest."

Everyone nodded, bidding each other goodbye. They left one by one, leaving only Rossi and Blair alone.

"Are you staying?" He asked.

Blair pursed her lips, nodding. Not sure herself why she wasn't leaving.

"Good. He'll appreciate that tomorrow morning," Rossi added, patting Blair on the shoulder. "He still loves you, you know?"

Blair finally looked up to Rossi who was standing next to her chair, "You think so?"

"I know so. He'd be a fool not to with the way he talks about you," Rossi explained with a gentle smile on his face.

Blair reciprocated the smile, "Thanks, Dave."

Rossi left, leaving Blair alone with her thoughts. Honestly, she was glad she was alone. She needed time to reflect on the past months, to think about her own feelings.

Did he love her?

Did she love him?

Even though extremely confused, there was one thing she was sure of. Blair couldn't help the way she felt about her boss, the man she would call for a hook up, her ex boyfriend, but also the man she loved. Seeing him in danger like this was most certainly the wake up call Blair needed. She loved Aaron Hotchner, and couldn't live without him.


A/N: Fuck another extremely short chapter I'm sorry heh. Anyways, only one more chapter and then the epilogue:(
Bitter sweet to say the least. I'd love to hear your feedback! Love you all:)


PS: idk when im publishing this, but I wrote this on tg's bday so----- happy birthday tg we all luv u<33333

Word count: 1127

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