The Early Years (2007-2009)

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Thank you to kiwi_l0ve for requesting this idea. I would've never thought to write about their relationship before Camryn's pregnancy, but I really think it added so much to the story and I'm honestly mad at myself for not writing this sooner! I think you get a better grasp on how pure their love is and how they're truly soulmates. SO THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THIS REQUEST!!

March 2007

"Alright class, listen up,"Miss McMann, Harry's Year 8 teacher raises her voice to be heard over the class. She's a petite woman and it takes a lot for her to get the class to pay attention to her.
Harry looks up to see a young girl standing next to her. Miss McMann has her hands on the girl's shoulders and somehow, by some miracle, the young girl is tinnier than Miss McMann.

She's pretty. That's his first thought. He can't take his eyes off of her. His friend David catches his eye from across the room and raises his eyebrows at Harry as if to say dude look at her. Harry nods.

She has long blonde hair that skims her lower back. Her eyes are...purple? That's weird. She's picking at the skin around her nails and trying desperately to not make eye contact with anyone.

"Class, this is Camryn Calister. She's new here from Bristol. Can everyone say hi to her?"

Some people in the class wave and other students, more eager ones, even vocalize their greetings. Harry doesn't do either. He can't. He can't move. And he doesn't know why.

All he knows is that the girl standing in the front of the class is the prettiest girl he's ever seen in his 13 years of life.

"Alright Camryn, you're going to have a seat in that empty desk right next to Harry,"the teacher motions towards the empty desk in the back of the class room.

Harry. Wait- his name is Harry. She's sitting next to him. He's never felt his heart beat faster. He quickly removes his backpack from the seat that's now hers and looks at the girl who's still looking at the ground.

"Harry, raise your hand so Camryn knows who you are."

Harry does so and it's the first time Camryn looks up. He grins softly at her, but she doesn't return it. Instead she fiddles with her backpack strap and returns her eyes to the floor as she walks to the empty seat.

Miss McMann goes through explaining their art project that they're going to be working on today and then tells them that they're allowed to talk while they work as long as they don't get too noisy. She also drops the bomb that the art project they're doing has to be a partner project. Her next bomb— your partner has to be the person next to you.

Harry peeks at the girl sitting next to him out of the corner of his eye and sees her already beginning on her drawing on their shared paper. Her leg is bouncing nervously under the table, he can feel it.

He decides to work up every ounce of courage that he has. "Hi, I'm Harry."

The girl freezes. As in, she visibly tenses. She tucks a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and then glances over at him. "I'm Camryn."

"It's nice to meet you." He sticks out his hand towards her.

She gives a tiny grin and its the prettiest smile he's ever seen. She puts her hand in his and he prays that his hand isn't as sweaty as it feels. "You too."

He busies himself with starting on his drawing and peeks over at hers that's gradually becoming more and more amazing. "You're really good at drawing."

Camryn smiles and her cheeks go a little rosy. "Thanks. I like to draw."

"So you just moved here?"

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