Harry's Appendicitis & an Anniversary June 19th 2015

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Harry: 21
Camryn: 21, 6 weeks pregnant
Darcy: 4
Lennon: 1 1/2
Auggie: 11 months

❤️thank you so much to onedirection1862 for requesting this chapter a while ago!! Your support and messages have meant the world to me❤️


6:30 am

"Hi, hi my love, hi,"Camryn whispers blearily through her raspy voice as Lennon begins to stir in his sleep in between Harry and her, his little eyes scrunching as he stretches with a little whimper.

"Shh, it's okay, you're okay,"Camryn murmurs as she listens to Lennon's little whimper begin to edge on a cry as he confusedly blinks his eyes open that are searching fearfully for his mum. She quickly cups the back of his head that's covered by his messy brown curls and uses her other hand to grab onto her breast, her upper half completely bare to have it available for both of her little boys whenever they need it through out the night. She guides his tiny head to her chest as his lips automatically search around for her nipple, latching onto her breast and immediately beginning to suck as he keeps his hand pressed against the side of her breast.

"There we go,"Camryn murmurs softy, tipping her head down to press against the top of Lennon's hair, closing her eyes again to try and slip back into sleep as her fingers comb through Lennon's little curls. "Go back to sleep, buddy, it's still early."

"Mmm,"Harry winces sharply in his sleep, his face pinching up as he lulls his head to the side against his pillow, laying on his back with little eleven month old Auggie laying against his chest in just a little diaper, his pacifier in his mouth with both of his hands pressed against Harry's bare chest.

"You okay?"Camryn whispers, tilting her gaze up to Harry who's face is just pinching up more as he begins to rouse from sleep.

"I've got...like a pain?"Harry grumbles with his voice a bit scratchy from sleep as he brings his hand down from Auggie's bare back to press against his back. "In my back...f*ck."

"I'm sorry, baby,"Camryn whispers with a little pout tinting her lips, reaching her hand up to cup Harry's cheek, rubbing her thumb softly against his skin. "Do you want me to take Auggie off of you? Maybe that would help?"

"Mmmm, no he's fine,"Harry winces, continuing to rub his hand against his lower back as he whimpers pitifully with his face still scrunched up tightly. "It's probably just an ache."

"It's about time for one of your monthly backaches,"Camryn teases quietly, continuing to brush the pad of her thumb against Harry's slightly scruffy cheek. "Good thing you don't have work today so you can just take it easy."

"Feels like my back is on fire,"Harry grumbles with a pout, his bottom lip sticking out as he continues to fidget under Auggie's little body, trying his best not to wake him up.

"I'm sorry, why don't you stay in bed for the morning and I'll get the kids up and ready,"Camryn offers, dragging the pad of her thumb against Harry's sleep plump lips. "You need to take it easy today so it doesn't get worse."

"You're gonna feel sick as soon as you stand up, though,"Harry points out, looking over at Camryn with a questioning look. They found out they were pregnant with another baby a little over a week ago, and luckily this pregnancy has given Camryn the least amount of morning sickness yet. Although, that could still change of course, but they're choosing to have a positive attitude and be hopeful that this pregnancy will not be as treacherous sickness wise as her previous pregnancies were. And, although it's not as bad as her previous pregnancies, she still does puke at least every other day, especially when she exerts herself hard in the mornings which has made Harry take over the morning routine with the kids to try and make Camryn feel as least sick as possible.

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