Getting Their Wisdom Teeth Out (October 2030)

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Harry: 36
Camryn: 36
Darcy: 19
Lennon: 17
Nora: 17
Auggie: 16
Bowie: 14
Morgan: 14
Calum: 12
Bindi: 10


Penny: 1

thank you so much to kiantrans for requesting this chapter!

"Penelope Camryn I'm gonna get you!"Harry coos as he stomps down the hall dramatically, not moving too fast since Penny only learned how to walk two months ago, so she's really not moving too fast.

"Faster Pen, faster, don't let papa get you!"Calum laughs from his spot on the couch with his sketchbook on his lap as he watches Penny waddle through the hall with her chubby legs toddling as fast as they possibly can.

"Run run run!"Harry chuckles from behind Penny, watching as her little feet stomp against the wood floor, her hair pulled up into a little ponytail at the top of her hazel head. She has diaper cover shorts on that show her whole legs with a ruffle on her bum that's swinging side to side as she continues to toddle down the hall. "I'm catching up to you, Pen!"

"Nellie run run run, use your arms,"Morgan giggles as she walks past Penny, motioning with her arms as she tries to teach Penny to swing them.

"Hey guys,"Harry greets with a little smile as Lennon, Nora, Auggie, Bowie and Morgan all walk through the door after driving home from school.

"Little Lady where're you goin' where's my hug?"Lennon calls with a little chuckle, his backpack hanging off of one of his shoulder with his hand interlocked in Nora's.

"You j-j-just g-got s-s-snuffed,"Auggie snickers, leaning down to take off his black vans as Penny runs right past Lennon who squatted down with his arms wide open, still trying to escape her papa.

"Ooo, someone's not the favorite anymore, baby,"Nora giggles, reaching her hand down to run through Lennon's brown curls as his pouts his bottom lip out, watching longingly as Penny runs into the kitchen where Camryn is muddling around the kitchen making a few little deserts.

"Oh my goodness, who's that?"Camryn coos with a little giggle as she feels Penny run into her legs, her little arms wrapping around Camryn's calves as she buries her face into Camryn's shins.

"Penny girl, hi baby!"Camryn laughs, setting down the baking pan in her hands filled with cookie dough balls so that she can pick Penny up.

"I'm gonna get you Penny! Nana can't hide you!"Harry teases, keeping his hands out in front of him as he wiggles his fingers towards Penny who continues to squeal and dig her face into Camryn's legs.

"Oh my goodness, baby girl! Is papa getting you?"Camryn laughs, leaning down to pick Penny up, her little hands reaching up towards Camryn as she smiles widely up at her grandma. "C'mere, nana will save you, c'mere."

"Oh no! Now I can't get you! I guess I'll just have to give you kisses,"Harry laughs, leaning in to press a kiss to Penny's cheek as she giggles and tries to shy away from his whiskers.

"Oh is papa kissing you? Does it tickle? I know, papa needs to shave, huh?"Camryn giggles, pressing a kiss to Penny's other cheek as she continues to try and nuzzle her face closer to Camryn's face.

"Do you not like my whiskers, Penny Cam?"Harry gasps in fake offense, wrapping his arms around Camryn's waist as he tips his temple down to press against Camryn's. "You look mighty cute on the other hand, your mumma always dresses you up so cute, huh?"

"Yeah, your mummy loves you so much,"Camryn whispers, nuzzling her lips down to Penny's and pressing a little kiss to her smooth lips as her cheek rests on Camryn's shoulder. "And nana and papa love you so much."

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