Darcy's First Christmas (December 2011)

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Harry: 17 Camryn: 17 Darcy: 8 months

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Harry: 17
Camryn: 17
Darcy: 8 months

❤️ thank you so much to elizabethxmonk for requesting this chapter ❤️

December 22 2011

"Merry Christmas Darcy Loo!"Louis' voice sings as Harry opens the front door to reveal all four boys on the porch step in heavy coats, a big box in his hands.

"Hey, she's still sleeping, sorry,"Harry chuckles, his eyes sleepy and drooping a bit, only in a white t-shirt and a pair of red flannel pajama pants.

"Still? We thought she would've been up by now,"Liam frowns, standing behind Louis and following him inside as Harry waves them in.

"She should be up soon,"Harry yawns, smacking his lips a few times as he runs his fingers through his curls, "she's sleeping in with Cam, she was teething pretty bad last night."

"You're not with them?"Louis snickers, raising his eyebrows at his best friend, knowing how much he loves to sleep.

"No, she only wants Cam,"Harry chuckles, shaking his head and stifling another yawn with his fist. "More specifically she only wants Cam's boobs."

"I don't blame her,"Niall grins cheekily, watching as Harry rolls his eyes and shoots him a middle finger. "We get it, you have a crush on my fiancé, thanks for reminding me."

"I don't have a crush on her,"Niall defends himself, pulling a mock offended face as he holds up his hands in innocence. "I'm just not afraid to acknowledge that she's hot...and has a good ass."

"Yeah well her ass is mine, sorry to inform you,"Harry rolls his eyes motioning for the boys to follow him into the living room.

"When are you heading to Chapel?"Zayn asks, sitting on the couch next to Harry as he leans his head back tiredly.

"Whenever DD wakes up, we don't really have a set time,"Harry shrugs, yawning again and

"Tired gramps?"Louis snickers, watching his best friend practically fall asleep in the middle of the conversation, his head bobbing up and down a bit.

"Teething babies are no joke,"Harry grins, wiping a palm down his face and sighing heavily. "It's a good thing I love her. She was up almost all night last night, but she only wanted Cam and to breastfeed."

"Oh hey guys,"Camryn quietly greets, walking down the hall with Darcy cradled in her arms and attached to her boob, her tank top pulled up on the one side to allow Darcy to eat, her bottom half covered with matching flannel pants.

"Hey, there's our girls,"Liam grins, turning his head over his shoulder to watch Camryn patter into the living room, her hand patting against Darcy's diapered bum.

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