When the Hate Becomes too Much (September 2026)

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Harry: 32
Camryn: 32
Darcy: 15
Lennon: 13
Auggie: 12
Bowie: 10
Morgan: 10
Calum: 8
Bindi: 6

Trigger Warnings: Self harm, suicide attempt in detail...plz plz plz read with caution ❤️

"And obviously we know your son Auggie has a stutter."

Her tone when she says it is what makes Harry's blood boil slightly. He's been trying to remain calm. He doesn't like to lose his temper, especially in interviews. He knows the interviewers are just trying to do their job and get the best story possible, but when that story has to do with his children; that's when he begins to lose it. There's nothing that can get his blood boiling quicker than someone talking badly about Camryn or his kids.

He coughs a bit into his fist to clear his throat and nods, "Yeah, he does."

The interviewer nods, folding her legs as she straightens her posture on the stool she's sitting on across from him. "Did you put him in any therapies or treatments or anything to try and help?"

"Um, my wife and I prefer to keep our kids medical histories private,"he quickly responds, trying to not let his voice lead onto how uncomfortable he is. His body language is doing a good job at giving him away, however. His fingers are anxiously rubbing his thigh as his other hand holds the microphone to his lips, his legs slightly bouncing as they rest on the lowest bar of the stool.

"Right, it just would seem that since you've allowed your kids to be put in the public unlike most celebrities, it's opened up the door to a lot of bullying,"the interviewer continues, her brown eyes piercing into him as if she can tell that she's making uncomfortable. It's like she enjoys it. It's like she knows that the more uncomfortable he is, the more interesting the interview will be.

"I mean, Cam and I have never claimed to be perfect parents,"Harry begins, his hand squeezing the microphone tighter than he means to. He just wants to go home. It's already late and he had to miss putting the younger kids to bed for this stupid interview and he just wants to see them and give them a big hug and give Camryn one too. He's about two seconds away from walking out of the interview. "And sure we've done things, especially when we were young teenage parents, that we probably wouldn't have chosen to do now. Like putting our kids in the spot light and making their lives known, but we did the best we could with what we knew."

"You didn't answer the question though,"she insists, somewhat viciously with a gleam in her eyes. "It opened up a lot of bullying opportunities, didn't it?"

"Um, I guess...?"Harry answers uncertainly, his voice raising in a question as his fingers continue to rub against his thigh. "Sorry, I don't really know how to answer that question."

"I guess I'm just wondering if you regret making your kid's lives so well known?"she asks, never breaking eye contact with him. "Especially on social media?"

He thinks carefully before he answers. He hates questions about Camryn and his parenting choices because interviewers always find a way to twist his words and never seem to see that him and Camryn really did the best that they could with what they knew. They love those kids more than anything. "Um, yeah in a way I guess I do? When we had Darcy in 2011 social media was still so new and I guess we just really didn't think about posting her, we just did it because we were so excited to show her off and then we just kept doing it with our other kids. And we can't go back and change that, however, if Cam and I were like most people and just starting our family now with our knowledge of how big social media is, I think we'd definitely choose to have their lives more private."

"Does Auggie know about the bullying that happens to him on social media?"

"No...?" Again, his voice raises in a question because he really doesn't see the purpose of these questions. It's like she's trying to get something out of him, something she can use against him and it's making him extremely uncomfortable. "He's only 12 and doesn't have social media so he's pretty unaware I believe. Camryn and I prefer to turn a blind eye to it as well."

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