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I refused to look back at my mate as I was escorted to his trailer. They weren't rough with me now, probably because I was rightful luna of this pack of rogues, at least I would be if my indecisive mate decided he wanted to keep me.

Not that it mattered what he was thinking. I was fuming. How dare he act like he didn't want me, and then force me to stay like he did? I didn't need my feelings messed with more than they already had been in my last relationship. Everything had been so good when I was with Asshole Dane, right up until they were not.

They brought me to a trailer, and I would have known where I was even without his words. It was obviously his home, since it smelled fantastically like him. That jerk didn't deserve to smell so good, or to look so devastatingly handsome when he didn't have the personality to match. It was false advertising.

Asshole Dane had been just as hot as my jerk of a mate, and my former alpha had blown me away when he had first turned his attention to me. I'd been twenty-five back then, around the time I had finally given up hope after a decade of waiting for my mate to show up in my life. The waiting hadn't been that bad even in my early twenties, even while almost everyone else who was single gradually found their other half and paired up, but as I got older, the wait had become harder and harder to take.

Everyone knew that if you didn't find your mate by the time you hit your mid-twenties, it was unlikely that you ever would, and it got even more unlikely with each passing year.

I'd known Asshole Dane for years, of course, because not only was he only a couple years older than me, he had also been the alpha of Greenwoods since he was twenty-five. It had been an ordinary day in spring and I had been minding my own business, working for the pack as a scout, when he'd casually started talking to me. I had been flattered, and when he proposed a relationship since neither of us were likely to find our true mates, I'd been tempted. I held out for a month, before he charmed me into giving it a shot.

And it had been so good. Asshole Dane could be a bit stubborn and inflexible, but he'd treated me well. And once we were official, I took over as acting luna. We had been good together, so good.

I put my heart and soul into supporting my pack and my chosen mate for three years.


The day that stood as the highlight of my time with Dane had been long and busy, but not unusually so. As always, I ensured that schedules were concise and dealt with a few problems that had cropped up in Greenwoods, chief among them the departure of one of our elementary teachers last month when she found her mate and moved to his pack. I'd have to inquire with other packs to see if they had any young mateless wolves who would like an opportunity to go to a different pack. Samantha had volunteered to cover the position for now, but I knew that she was anxious to return to her former role in the pack clinic.

Dane had promised me a nice night out with him, and if it hadn't been so busy, I might have been impatient for the day to pass, but I barely had a spare moment to anticipate our date. We didn't go out that often, because we were both so absorbed in our respective roles in the pack, but when we did go out, he made it worthwhile. I smiled to myself as I tidied up my desk and locked my office behind me.

I loved him so much. I was glad that I had agreed in spite of the protestations of my parents. They had very old-school mate beliefs, but it was easy for them to think that way when they had found each other in their late teens. They hadn't been forced to wait and wonder, with the hope of finding love slowly fading away. I had wanted to build a life with someone, and Dane had been in a similar position.

What was wrong with committing to another person who I had so much in common with? Both Dane and I were pack-minded people who loved Greenwoods and Dane needed an heir. I also always wanted to have pups, too. It was less likely for chosen mates to conceive than true mates, even when the odds went up after marking, but it was a heck of a lot less likely than zero with us trying.

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