25 Rough

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Carrie left early in the morning, to go to her second last shift. She was determined to leave on good terms, and I didn't mind, other than that it was hard to think straight when she was far away from me because my wolf wouldn't settle down. He wanted to go and drag her back, or follow her around. Either were acceptable options as far as he was concerned.

I did neither, instead I just spent the day at my desk working through the pile of things that needed to be done, mostly trying to do something besides idly wait for her to get home again. I'd so quickly been drawn into her orbit and already I couldn't imagine living without her.

"You're spacing out, Alpha," Randy commented. "Between you and our beta..."

"What's Porter doing?" I asked looking over at him.

"Nothing really. He's just really unfocused lately."

I nodded. "I'll talk to him." Like a huge hypocrite, considering how I was having trouble thinking of anything beside Carrie, with those lovely dark eyes, and that curvy form that I could...

I pushed up from the desk. Might as well find and deal with Porter, I wasn't getting anything else done.

He was eating lunch when I found him. He didn't even notice me approach him as he stared off into space while pushing food around his plate.

I didn't waste any time. "Is she your mate?"


"Carrie's human friend? Amanda?"

His shoulders slumped a bit. "Is it that obvious?"

"It is. We suspected the night that you met her. And Randy's noticing you're absent minded."

"Sorry, Alpha. I'll try to get my head back in the game."

I could have just left it at that, but Porter looked so deflated maybe he needed to get his problems off his chest. Wolves never did good when they were isolated. "It's not going well, then?"

He groaned. "That's one way to say it."

"I'm sure she'll warm up to you in time."

"She's already warm, but that doesn't mean she wants anything to do with me. She's got a wall between us. If I press her at all she pushes me away. I don't know how to get through to her."

Well, I had no good advice for him. Human mates frequently were rejected, but Porter would never want to something as stupid as that, so he was stuck with her. And we'd have to figure out how to incorporate her into the pack once she accepted him.

"Have you told her?"

Porter scoffed. "I don't know if I can convince her to be with me, let alone that I'm a werewolf and that she's meant to be mine."

"That's rough, man," I said, since there wasn't anything I could do to help. I had no idea how to manage a human mate.

He just leaned back with a groan.

I really would have to give Carrie some thank-you-for-being-a-werewolf sex when she got home. She definitely deserved it.

No. No sex. We needed to talk. There were things I needed to say to her, and maybe that would give her the confidence to open up to me in return.


I was relieved when she came home, even though she smelled faintly of a multitude of humans, obscuring that intoxicating scent my wolf loved so much. I was even more glad when she went immediately off to shower.

Instead of following her like my wolf urged, I went and brought us some supper back from the makeshift mess hall. It wasn't the best food, but she'd like it better than my substandard cooking.

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