Chapter 17: Cold Calling

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Octavia's glare continues to burn into the back of Clarke's neck as they ride – ineptly – towards TonDC. After a while of this, she gives the quiet Lexa a regretful look and drops back to ride next to Octavia instead. It's time they talked, even if she'd rather continue admiring the way the light makes shadows out of Lexa's ridiculously long and curly eyelashes.

"Okay, out with it," Clarke says softly.

"Out with what?"

"Whatever you're trying to send me by really angry telepathy," Clarke gives Octavia an unimpressed look.

"I was just thinking that you don't seem to care much about the Ark," Octavia says. "Or Atom, Trina and Pascal, either. You're all about Her Majesty there."

Clarke glares back at her for that. They've been riding for hours, she's sore (though admittedly she was a bit sore before they started riding, and for much more pleasant reasons). She has a headache, a backache, a severe case of déjà vu, and no patience for this right now. "I care enough to ride for nearly a whole day, Octavia. That's how much I care. Unlike you, I'm not here just to rebel against my brother."

"Hey, it took me an hour to talk Bellamy into letting me go. I had to promise I'd be really careful and stick with you and the others at all times. I want to know what happened to Atom," Octavia says. "If he's all right. This isn't rebellion."

At that, Clarke's annoyance vanishes a little bit. She reaches out and pats Octavia's hand, risking falling off her mount. "Hey. We'll find out what happened to him, I promise."

There's a moment of silence. "You think he's dead, don't you."

It's a statement more than a question, but Clarke replies anyway. "Yes, I do. I'm sorry, Octavia."

"No. I think you're right." She sounds sad, but not heartbroken, not really. Octavia's always tougher than Clarke expects her to be. Perhaps growing up under floorboards makes everything after seem much better in comparison. "The fog probably got him."

Lexa's stopped ahead of them. Several of the horses are moving restlessly, unnerved, as a star falls from the sky, blazing down just like the drop ship must have. It's almost beautiful.

"That looks like it is for you, Clarke," Lexa comments. "I must go to TonDC and speak to Indra. You and Octavia should take half the group and go towards your message."

Octavia's still staring up at the sky, mouth wide open. "What the hell," she manages finally. "Right when we got near here. What are the odds?"

It's probably not a good idea to answer that.

Lexa gives Clarke a nod of farewell, then gestures to the others and rides off. Exactly half of the gonas they brought split off and follow her. Clarke notices they ride much faster without having to slow down for the cumbersome Sky People.

Clarke steers her horse towards Raven, and presses her heels against it uncertainly. She got more used to horses over time, but she doubts she'll ever be as comfortable with them as Lexa and the other Trikru. She estimates it will take a few more hours at least to get to the fallen pod, even if she's willing to learn how to canter. They should still get there earlier than the other world, but she hopes nothing happens to Raven anyway.

After a while she pulls back on the reins – possibly too harshly, judging by the frustrated noise the horse makes. There's someone standing directly in front of them.

"Lincoln," she and Octavia say at the same time, Clarke resigned, Octavia thrilled.

Lincoln's probably the person she's given the most away to, with her knowledge of Trigedasleng. Even if he hasn't done anything about it yet, that doesn't mean he won't. So Clarke can't help that her stomach knots slightly when she sees him, even though she likes him, even though she knows he's a good person. He's still a risk she took – and one Lexa knows nothing about. As far as Lexa's aware, Lincoln brought Clarke to Anya's camp just because she was very persuasive and claimed to be the leader.

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