Chapter 30: In the Closet

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"I understand that, Heda," Indra's face is set and angry. "I do. I even accept your plan to ally with the Sky People."

"Then I fail to see the problem," Lexa says coolly. They're in her room, as Indra came late at night to discuss this. They plan to stay a day in Polis gathering supplies and then continue north, and Lexa could really use some sleep.

Of more immediate concern, however, is that Clarke is probably not enjoying her current position hiding semi-naked in Lexa's closet.

"I do not believe it is wise for you personally to enter Azgeda territory," Indra states. "You can remain in Polis, safely -"

Lexa raises a hand. "I have never been safe, Indra," she points out. "And if we are to make an alliance with these people, I wish to get their measure. I will need to meet their leaders at some point – it may as well be soon." The truth is somewhat more complex, of course – she does not wish to send Clarke north without her, and she has no doubt Clarke will go north whatever. She has plans of her own to put in action, too.

"Anya and I can handle it for you," Indra insists. "We are already going with you, can we not be trusted to manage this between us?"

"So that it is the Trikru invading the Azgeda, instead of the Commander visiting some of her lands?" Lexa asks. "Imagine what Nia could do with that. No, Indra. I will not remain in Polis while you go."

"But the Azgeda -" Indra starts, concern knotting her forehead.

"Em pleni!" Lexa gives Indra a stern look. "It is not your place to question my orders, any more than it is Anya's. I respect you and I value your advice, but my decision is final. I am Heda. Be my General, Indra, and obey."

Indra gives a sharp nod, her face still twisted in worry and disapproval.

"Now leave me," Lexa orders.

Clarke emerges from the closet as soon as the door closes behind Indra. "Well, that was demeaning," she says sourly. Despite her expression, she moves to wrap her arms around Lexa, pressing her face into the curve of Lexa's neck and inhaling. The days with no real time together have been difficult.

"I did not tell you to do that," Lexa points out. She can't help smiling, though. "I told you to remain."

"Indra doesn't know about us yet," Clarke replies, her voice slightly muffled against Lexa. "I'd like to keep it that way."

"With Octavia as her Seken, I doubt her ignorance will last long," Lexa comments dryly.

"You don't seem too concerned," Clarke says, pulling back to study Lexa's face.

"You're the current acting leader of the Skaikru," Lexa says. "Everyone knows that you have accompanied me for the past month and that I listen to your advice. Awareness of our relationship is unlikely to place you in more danger than you are currently in, especially since our greatest threat is the Maunon and they seek you." Their relationship places Clarke in danger, Lexa knows – but Clarke always places herself in danger. Ending their relationship would only ensure that Lexa is not there to protect her. Or perhaps that is her selfishness speaking – but if it is, she will let it continue to speak.

"What about after we've dealt with them? If we manage to deal with them, anyway." Clarke strokes Lexa's hair lightly and drops a kiss on her head.

"People will find out," Lexa says honestly. "We can excuse the time we spend together now as discussing how to deal with your people. But eventually we will run out of excuses. Even if you were to be the ambassador once again, as soon as I was no longer dealing with some crisis to do with your people it would become apparent that we were spending time together for no reason at all."

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