Chapter 99: The Imprint We Leave

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"Why are they taking so long?" Raven scowls, staring down at the radio as Clarke enters the room. It's just past sunrise, and already Raven and Lexa are by the radio, waiting to hear the gonakru's update to Nia. Zion and Lincoln are still asleep, Gustus is guarding the door just in case, and Assan has gone out to try and find more food in the forest for his growing number of guests.

"It takes as long as it takes," Lexa says serenely.

"Lex, if you say that again -" Raven says hotly, glaring at Lexa. She looks much healthier now she's had some proper rest in the warmth, though still not great. Lexa also looks much more rested, though Clarke can attest that between telling each other their stories since they separated and – other things – she didn't get quite as much sleep.

"You will attempt to blow me up? That seems a waste of your bombs," Lexa replies, voice and expression still perfectly calm.

"No, but I'll," Raven struggles to come up with something. "I'll... I'll be really annoying."

"That will of course be completely out of character," Lexa says in her politest tone.

Raven tries to glare at her and then cracks up again, eventually dissolving into a coughing fit. "One-nil," she says eventually.

"You guys seem to have grown closer," Clarke comments idly, sitting down next to where Raven is lying. Deep inside, though, she does feel suddenly a little bit left out. Lexa and Raven have been together strengthening their bonds, having adventures, making up private nicknames and jokes, while she's been spending her days with people like Nia and Ontari. It makes her feel apart from them and she hates it.

Then she remembers Lexa's look of surprise when she called Gustus 'Gus' the previous night, and feels kind of like a hypocrite. So Raven and Lexa have become closer, so what, she tells herself firmly. That's good.

"Sha," Lexa tells her, sharp eyes studying Clarke like she can read her mind. She gives Clarke a small, private smile and takes her hand, playing with her fingers, and Clarke feels like she's been drawn into their circle again and smiles back. "Raven tells me we are now..." she searches her memory, then clearly comes up with the right words. "...friends with benefits. This is the greatest friendship, she tells me." Raven cackles.

Clarke closes her eyes, counts to ten, then opens them again. "Raven. Why. Why would you do this."

"Animal attraction," Raven deadpans, well aware that's not what Clarke's asking, and Clarke glares at her.

Then she turns to look at Lexa. "Whatever else Raven has told you about Skaikru phrases and culture, forget them now," she enunciates slowly.

Lexa blinks. "So... 'friends with benefits' is not a good thing?" Raven snickers.

"I... well... it's just not what you two are," Clarke finally settles on weakly.

"I see," Lexa says, a glint of mischief lighting her eyes. "So... it is not something I should tell Abby about? Raven suggested -"

Clarke chokes. "No. No. Raven, why?"

"I was travelling with a bunch of stoic warrior people," Raven defends herself. "I had to make my own amusement! Trust me, she doesn't have it half as bad as Lincoln's going to when he gets back and starts coming out with this stuff in front of Bellamy."

The radio crackles into life before Clarke can respond to that one.

"Azplana?" one voice says.

"Speak," Nia's cold voice comes through.

"We have been... held up," the gona says uncertainly. "Reports are coming in from the south. May we contact you at midday instead, once we have had time to discover their truthfulness?"

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