Chapter 125: Polisticians

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The most noticeable thing about arriving at Polis is the sudden cessation of noise. The rustling leaves and small noises of bugs and animals gives way to a deliberate silence, as if every person in the city is holding their breath. Clarke thinks that may actually be the case. Someone must have heard their arrival and run on ahead to the city – that's the only explanation for the reception that awaits them. Everyone they see is perfectly quiet, foreheads pressed nearly to the ground. They sneak quick, disbelieving glances up at Lexa, but lower their heads after only a second, as if afraid to be caught staring.

It unnerves the horses, making them grow restive. It unnerves their riders as well, but they hide it better as they ride towards the tower.

It's a small child who starts it, probably only three or four, too young to fully understand the awed silence. "Heda," she burbles when she sees Lexa, pulling her head up from the ground. Her father, horrified, attempts to silence her, but stops when Lexa inclines her head solemnly towards the little girl. "Nontu, chek Heda au! Heda!"

The chant is picked up by the crowd. There's the occasional cry of Wanheda or de Newanen as well, but they're greatly overwhelmed by the crowd calling out for their leader by her best-known title. Polis is Lexa's home, after all, and she's spent years there compared to the few days Clarke was in occupancy. Her arrival is interesting to them, but Lexa's survival is wondrous, impossible. They have their Heda back. Their world was picked up and shaken but now it has, amazingly and unexpectedly, righted itself. "Heda! Heda! Heda!"

The guards beat their spears against the ground in time with the cries. Lexa only raises her good arm slowly in greeting, then lowers it and continues to ride, face proudly set and chin tilted. The cries intensify.

And then they're in front of the tower. Aden stands at the head of the rest of the Natblida. As one, they kneel and then bow to the ground as well. Lexa smiles for the first time since they entered and calls out, "Natblida Aden!"

The chanting softens, going to whispers and then to that expectant silence again, but this time their heads are raised instead of facing to the ground. Aden stands up and takes several steps forward. "Heda," he says, bowing his head for a moment once more. "I give you greeting. You have been greatly missed."

"You have managed Polis well in my absence," Lexa says. Her voice travels across the sea of faces.

"Mochof, Heda."

Lexa nods regally. "Let us speak inside," she commands. Then she turns the horse for one brief moment, raises her arm again and calls out, "Kos Kongeda!"

"KOS KONGEDA!" the cheer echoes around the city. Clarke is almost surprised she isn't pushed off the horse by the force of it. But instead Lexa helps her down and in seconds they are inside.

"I will doubtless have to say more to them later," Lexa comments quietly. "But that should do for now."

"I see no reason to explain anything to them," Anya says. "Let them make their own stories of what happened."

"For much of it, I will," Lexa replies calmly. "But I must assure them that Nia is dead. I must also tell them that Titus is dead. And I need to confirm Clarke's position, Roan's position, Zion's position – even my own position, in case some wonder if Aden will still command Polis even without the Flame. I will tell them how the world is now, but there is no reason to repeat all the details of how it came to be that way. What do you think, Clarke?"

Clarke nods. "That sounds good to me," she says. "I don't want to outright crush this new belief that's sprung up – if they want to believe you're immortal, that's fine by me – but I don't want to encourage it by lying either. The less said, the better."

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