15. The Notes

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2/7 Continued

I was shaken awake. I open my eyes and turn around to see my dad. “Dad?” I ask rubbing my eyes as my dad smiled.

“Hey honey. Are you feeling okay?” My dad said.

“I think so.” My dad felt my head.

“Oh, sweetheart…you’re burning up.”


“How about I make you some chicken noodle soup and you can rest in bed?” I nod my head. My dad kisses my forehead and walks downstairs.

A few minutes later my dad came into my room with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. “Thanks dad”, I said smiling.

“Feel better soon”, my dad said before he left my room.

I watched videos on YouTube while I ate my soup. I was watching some old Pewdiepie videos when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and read a text from Henry.

Henry: Hey Bree, I just wanted to tell you that I’m fine and hope we can figure out what’s wrong with you.

I got another text seconds later.

Henry: I mean nothing is wrong with you, but the powers thing.

Bree: I understand Henry, and I’m glad you feel better.

Henry: So when are you going to get your tests done?

Bree: I don’t know but right now I have a fever.

Henry: Oh, well I hope you feel betterJ.

Bree: Thanks Henry. I hope you feel better too. I have to go now.

Henry: Ok, I’ll see you later. Bye.

I walk downstairs and wash my bowl. I went right back upstairs and jumped into my bed. I pulled up my covers and turned to my side. I slowly went to bed.


I woke up and saw another note near my window. Yesterday’s said: Hello Aubree, I hear you’re sick. Well that better not stop you from doing what I say. Go to your little ‘lair’ and hack into the Man Cave and turn off all the cameras. Then give Ray a fake mission to go on. Have fun.

I hated this guy. I refused to do that last night. I was feeling much better…well when it came to health. Inside I felt like a wreck. I take a deep breath and rip open the note. It read:

Ah, so little Aubree didn’t want to help me break into the ‘Man Cave’? Well there will be consequences. You better help this time, unless you want your family to die.

What! This person couldn’t do this to me. He couldn’t hurt my family. They were all I had in this shitty world. This messed up world that I was a part of. Why did I have to be here? Why couldn’t I just alone, where no one could find me?

I ran to the garage and grabbed one of dad’s blades. I ran back to my bathroom and locked the door. I stepped into my bath tub and cut a slit in my right hand. I could feel the cold blade sting my raw skin. I watched my warm red blood drip from my wrist into the bath. I winched as I cut another slit into my wrist.

~Henry’s Point of View~

My back was healing a lot faster than I thought it would. I decided to surprise Bree by coming to her window. When I got there her window was already opened. I walked in and didn’t see Bree in her room. I was about to go downstairs when I heard crying coming from her bathroom. I walked over and pressed my ear to the door.

“Bree?” I asked through the door.

“H-Henry?” Bree whimpered.

“Uh, yeah…it’s me. Are you okay?”

“N-no”, I heard her cry a little louder than before.

“Can I come in?” I try to open the door before she gave me an answer.

“No, don’t come in”, she cried.

“Aubree, let me in”, I said knocking lightly on the door.

“I-uh, no. I can’t let you in.”

“Aubree please let me in”, I say. Before she could answer I melted the lock with my Wiz-Watch. I walked in and saw Aubree in the tub…surrounded in blood. I gasped and ran over to her. I grabbed her arms and looked at all the dripping blood. “Aubree…what did you do?”

“I-I can’t take it anymore…” Aubree said.

“Come on, let’s clean this up”, I said helping her out. I walked her to the sink and put one of her arms under the water. I grabbed a towel and dried her arm clean. All the cuts on her wrists were gone. “How is this possible?”

“I-I don’t know”, Aubree said. She was still crying. I did the same thing to the other arm and that arm was completely healed as well. I was shocked.

“I-I need to tell Ray”, I said triple beeping him for once.

Ray popped up in a hologram on my Wiz-Watch. “Henry what is it?”

“It’s Bree.” Before I could say anything else he had hung up.

I sat next to her on her bed. “Don’t tell Ray”, Bree said crying.

“Bree…you can’t do this to yourself…even if you are able to heal yourself.”

“B-but…never mind.”

I hug Aubree and let go. “What is it? Tell me.”

~Aubree’s Point of View~

“I have been getting these letters”, I began. I told Henry everything.

“Let me see them”, Henry demanded.

“H-Henry…” I shuttered.

“Now Bree!” I get up and grab the notes from my desk. I give him every note except the first one…the one that told me to hurt him.

Henry read every note. As he read them Ray walked in. “I got here as soon as I could…what is it?”

Henry looked at me. I nodded and Henry looked at Ray. “I caught…Aubree…cutting herself…” Henry sighed as Ray’s eyes widened.

“What?” Ray yelled, “Why would you do that?” Ray ran over to me and grabbed my wrists. “Where are the cuts?”

“That’s another thing…they all healed”, I said.

“What…Another power?”

Henry and I both nod. “And there is also this…” Henry hands Ray the notes. I put my head in my hands and sigh.

Ray reads all of the notes and Henry sits there silently. Ray looks up from the notes. “Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?”

“I-I wasn’t supposed to…they said they’d hurt someone”, I began to cry.

Ray grabs my hands and pulls me up into a standing position. He lets go and gives me a tight hug. I hugged him back tightly. “It’s going to be okay Aubree…we won’t let this guy hurt anyone.”

I look up from the hug and smile.

A/N**** I decided to put these together because the first part was too short to be by it's self. I hope you like it. Vote for more chapters. And Follow!

And this isn't about the book but Cooper Barns favorited one of my posts on Twitter and I kinda started fangirling for some reason because he was the first celebrity to do anything like that on any of my posts.

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