23. Lizzy

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~Aubree’s Point of View~


I jump up to the sound of my alarm clock. I take a deep breath and yawn. I get out of bed and take a shower. After my shower I put on a floral tank top and light blue shorts. I slip on my light blue flats and my Teen Wolf themed necklace.

I walked downstairs and make myself some toast. I bite into my toast as my dad walks in. He smiles at me and walks right over to the coffee machine.

“Good morning, dad”, I say smiling, my teeth were probably covered in Nutella.

“Good morning, sweetheart. I was thinking we could just skip school for today and hangout”, dad says pouring himself a cup of coffee.

“I’d love to…but I have a test in math, and I’m afraid I’m gonna fail. I really need to be there for the review”, I say standing up.

“Well, maybe another time then”, dad says. He walks over to me and kisses my cheek. I smile and wave to him as I grab my bag.

I throw it over my shoulder and grab my Penny Board. “I’ll see you later dad. Love you!” I run out the door over to Henry’s house.

I knock on Henry’s door. When the door swings open I see Piper standing there. He face was beat red, and she looked really angry.

“Hey Piper”, I say smiling.

“Hey”, Piper says in a mimicking way and sticks her tongue out.

“Are you okay?” I ask walking into the house.

She runs up the stairs yelling. “I am NOT okay!”

I laugh a little as Henry runs down smiling. “Hey Bree! You look beautiful.”

I blush a little. “Thanks…ready to go?”

“Oh, yeah…yeah, let’s go”, Henry says grabbing his bag and board.

We run out of the house and race to the school.

I skate up to the school and jump off my board. I look at Henry; he was still skating towards me, out of breath. He stopped skating when he was a few feet away and slowly dragged himself closer to me.

“One day, you have to let me win”, Henry sighs. I chuckle as I grab my board in my hand and walk into the school.

I walk to my locker as Henry walks over to his. I press my thumb against the button on my locker and it beeps. I open it up and put my board inside of it. I swing my bag off my shoulder and zip it open. I take out my binder and then put my bag into my locker.

I close my locker to see Charlotte standing against the lockers. I jump a little and sigh. “Hey Char”, I say smiling.

“Ready for class?” Charlotte asks. I nod and we make our way to Miss Shapen’s class.

“Okay class, today we are getting new seats!” Miss Shapen yells. Everyone sighs as they sit up and move to the side of the classroom.

After a while she finally calls my name and then another girl’s name. Thankfully Henry was in front of me so I could still talk to him. I take my seat next to the girl. I turn to look at her to see her smiling at me.

“Hi, my names Lizzy!” she says excitedly.

“Hi, I’m Aubree…but you can just call me Bree”, I say smiling back at her. I had never seen her before. She must have been new here. “So…are you new here?”

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