Chapter 8

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I pick up Austin from soccer practice, walking onto the field as they finish up. Austin runs up to me and hugs me tightly, "I missed you today."

I smile and pat him on his head. "Did you ask Gabby about ice cream?"

He nods, "She's asking her mom now."

A tall woman with fake blonde hair walks over to us. She has tan skin and a thin face caked with makeup, she seems like one of those moms who works out at the gym and posts every single meal she eats on her Instagram page. 

A small girl with tight dirty blonde curls pulled into pigtails is attached to her arm. 

They stop in front of us and she holds out her hand, "Hi, I'm Kasey, Gabriella's mom. I'm fine with her hanging out with you two for a little while as long as you're sure it's alright with you and your mom?"

I nod, "For sure! I've heard great things about Gabriella, it seems like she's been a great friend to my little brother. I'd love to bring her out for ice cream and let them hang out for a bit. I can drop her off at your house when we're done."

Kasey smiles, "Sure, thanks! Here, let me give you some money for her."

"Oh no, don't worry about it. My treat." I assure her. 

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely." I say with a grin. 

She kisses Gabby goodbye and tells us to have fun. When we get to the ice cream shop, we order and eat outside. I get chocolate, Austin gets birthday cake, and Gabby gets cookie monster. 

I try not to talk too much, letting them have their conversation. Gabby's a cute kid, and Austin's obviously in love with her. 

I'm not even exaggerating. Gabby talks about soccer and books and school while she licks her ice cream cone. All the while, Austin just looks at her with big eyes and a huge smile. It doesn't seem to matter what she's talking about, he loves it. 

He looks at her such love in his eyes, it's the sweetest thing I've ever witnessed. He looks at her the way every girl wants someone to look at them. I know they're only six, but he really seems to be in love with her. 

And Gabby, the sweetheart she is, seems to love him just as much. I beam at the two of them. 

"So Gabby, is this your first year playing soccer?" I ask.

She has a tiny voice, "No, I played last year too. I like it."

"Has Shade always been your coach?" Seeing her confused face, I remember they don't call him Shade, "Coach Winthrow I mean. Was he your coach last year too?"

She nods and says proudly, "Yeah, he said last year was his first year coaching but this year, he said he was glad he got the same team because we're the best."

I chuckle, "I don't doubt that, Austin joined the right team I'm sure."

"Mhm," she says. She smiles at me, "How old are you?"

"Seventeen, I'm a senior at the high school."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No," I laugh. Little kids have no filter. 

She looks confused, like all teenagers are supposed to have boyfriends, "Why not?"

I shrug, "I don't have time for one I guess. I've never had one."

It's a little embarrassing to admit to a six year old that I've never been in a relationship. But it's the truth. I've always been too preoccupied with Austin. Practically raising a child on my own while balancing schoolwork isn't exactly the right time to go looking for love. 

An Echo in the WindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora