Chapter 12

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Carly is the first one up and we whisper talk for a few minutes, waking Sophie up a few minutes later. She looks at me, "Damn girl. You look like shit. What happened to you?"

I chuckle, yawning as I do, "I just didn't sleep well."

Carly frowns, "Sorry, I know my floors are harder than a mans dick."

"It wasn't that," I laugh, "I just had a bad dream and couldn't fall back asleep afterwards."

She looks at me sympathetically, "Aw babe. You could've woken us up. We would've stayed up with you. Pulled an all nighter. You wanna talk about it?"

"That's sweet, but it's okay, really. I don't remember what even happened in it," I lie with a hopefully convincing smile.

"I hate those," Sophie sympathizes with an understanding frown. 

My phone chirps and I pull it out. I got a text from Kasey, Gabby's mom. She told me they were going out on their boat today and asked if Austin would like to come with them. She said she can pick him up from the sleepover.

I tell her thanks, and that I bet he'd love to and to just call me if he decided he didn't want to go. I'm pretty sure he'll be okay with it. At least I hope so after our talk last night. Wow. Was that just last night? It feels like so much has happened. 

"Who's that?" Carly asks curiously, leaning over her blankets to look at me. 

"One of the moms from Austin's soccer team. She invited Austin out on their boat today." I say. 

Carly lights up, "Does that mean you're free to hang today? We should text the guys and see if they wanna meet up and do something!"

"If you're feeling up to it, of course," Sophie adds, "You do look really tired."

I force a smile, "Yeah sure, I'd like to hang."

She smiles and sends a text to the group chat. Kevin suggests we grab some food. Nik suggests we watch a few more episodes of Game of Thrones

After a few minutes of their bickering back and forth, Shade cuts in and suggests we do both, probably just for the sake of all our sanity. 

Sophie agrees and says that the three of us will pick up some food on the way there. 

We don't really agree on a time, more of a we'll get there when we get there kind of thing. I decide to take a quick shower before we go, hoping it'll wake me up a little, and I change into navy sweatpants and a tight top. 

I tie my hair into a messy bun. Sophie and Carly are waiting for me when I come out. Both of their hair is also wet, I'm assuming they both also showered. They probably used the other bathrooms. I feel bad for not letting her shower in her own bathroom. 

We all take Sophie's car. "What do you guys feel like? Echo?"

I can tell she's trying to make me feel better by letting me pick. I offer her a quick smile, "I'm sorry Soph, I'm just really out of it today. I'm cool with whatever. I'm honestly not too hungry."

Carly suggests, "What about In-N-Out? I could go for a good milkshake."

We all nod in agreement. Kevin texts us what they all want. Between just the three guys, they want 5 cheeseburgers, 6 orders of fries, and 3 large milkshakes. I laugh, boys sure can eat a lot. 

We go through the drive-thru, being too lazy to bother getting out of the car, and Sophie tells the girl the boys order. She then orders a hamburger, fries, and a medium chocolate milkshake for herself. Carly gets a cheeseburger and a strawberry milkshake.

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