Chapter 34

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I open my eyes to blinding white light and a splitting headache. I groan and reach my hand up to rub my head only to be stopped by wires and tubes running out of my arms. Where am I? What the hell happened? I blink away the blurriness around me. 

I try to pull out the tubes from my arm but a quick hand stops me. I look up to meet Shade's face. There's tears in his eyes and a grateful smile on his face, "Hey."

He cups my face in his hand and I lean into his embrace. "What's going on?" I croak. 

A tear slips down his cheek, "Your brother came. He attacked you."

My eyes go wide and the memories come back. A beeping from near by jumps and Shade puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "Hey, you're okay. You're safe."

He has dark circles under his eyes and his face looks hollow, "When was the last time you got any sleep? You look tired."

He chuckles which quickly turns into sobs and I'm quickly holding his hand. He takes a shaky breath, "I'm sorry Echo. I'm sorry I'm crying right now. I'm sorry we fought. I love you. I love you so much. And I was scared. I thought you wouldn't wake up."

"I'm okay," I tell him, "Don't be sorry."

I look around. I'm in a hospital. There's two balloons on the bed and a table full of oreos and chips and other junk food and candies. Shade follows my gaze, "Our friends brought it. They said they didn't want you eating the hospital crap."

"So their solution to that was to feed me more crap?" I ask with a small smile. 

He laughs, probably more than the joke warranted for my benefit. Suddenly remembering the full events of what happened, my eyes widen, "Austin?"

"He's at home with my parents." He hesitates before saying, "I know. About...your mom."

I furrow my eyebrows, "What?"

He licks his lips and looks away, "About what she's done to you and your brother."

I'm not sure what he's talking about but then it clicks. Shit. I panic, "No no. It's not like that. I promise. Please. You can't tell anyone. You can't let them take Austin away from me. Please. I can't loose him. Please-"

He cuts me off by stroking my cheek, running a hand through my hair comfortingly, "Shh. It's okay Echo. You three are going to live with my family. My mom talked to CPS and convinced them after all you've been through that you'd adjust better to living in the same area with people you knew."

I sigh in relief. We weren't going to be separated. "Thank you."

He holds my hand for awhile before I ask, "Will you lay with me?"

He hesitates, looking me over, "I don't want to hurt you."

"Please," I beg. I feel stupid and desperate. I probably smell bad. When's the last time I had a shower? How long has it even been? 

To my relief, he nods and crawls next to me as gently as he can. I lean against his chest on the small bed. He wraps his arms around me securely. My heart feels full and warm. I feel tranquil. This is what it feels like to be loved, I realize. It's a feeling I remember from when I was younger. I haven't felt it in years. I know Austin loves me of course, but as a caregiver and sister. Not like how Shade loves me. 

I lean further into him, "I want to stay here forever."

"I don't know. I'm getting a little sick of hospitals." He chuckles. 

"I don't mean here here. I mean with you." I whisper.

"Me too," he says. "I'm really glad you're awake."

"I'm tired."

"I'm surprised since you've been sleeping for two weeks already."

I chuckle and then get quiet, "What's going to happen to my mom?"

"She had a court trial last week. She got 4 years jail time and then she has to live in a monitored rehab facility for 3 years."

"I want her to be okay," I tell him. 

I feel him nod, "I know. And that's why I love you. You're such an amazing person. With so much love to give."

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