Chapter 27

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I wake up with a pounding headache. It takes me a minute to remember where I am and what Shade is doing in my bed. He's fast asleep with his arms around me. 

I smile at him. 

As I'm getting up out of my bed, his eyes flutter open and he smiles at me. I try to get up to get dressed for school but he grabs my arm and pulls me back to him. I fall on top of him and giggle like I haven't since I was a child. 

I place a kiss on his thick lips and then trace his temple with my fingers. 

"My siblings are coming home from college this weekend to visit. We're having a family dinner on Friday night. I'd like you to come."

I stare at him, anxiety instantly taking place in my chest. What if they don't like me? What then? They'll probably hate me. They're going to think I'm not good enough for their brother. What if we don't get along?

Like he can read my mind, he says, "They'll love you, there's nothing to be nervous about."

I bite my lip, "Are you sure? If they're only coming in town for a little while I don't want to ruin your family-"

He cuts me off with a kiss and I feel him get hard against my thigh. I blush and pull away to look at him. He looks embarrassed, "I'm sorry. I'll be right back."

He tries to get up, presumably to go to the bathroom and deal with the situation downstairs if ya know what I mean. 

I stop him nervously, "Don't. I'll do it. I mean, if you want me to."

A grin spreads across his face and he settles back down on my bed, "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured to do something you don't want to do. Really."

"I've never done it before though," I nod in confirmation.

He tosses his sweatpants to the floor, leaving only the tight thin fabric of his boxers covering his manhood. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks again. 

I nod and trace my fingers along the rim of his boxers before pulling them away. I look him in the eyes, not sure what to do next. 

"Sit on my lap," he commands. 

I smile as sexily as I can and obey, straddling him.

"Hand or mouth?" He asks.

I hesitate, "Hand. For now."

"You'll probably need both," he says cockily. 

I scoff, laughing, "Someone's mighty full of themselves aren't they."

"Look for yourself, nothing's stopping you."

I move my eyes down to his dick, which is...very big. I start by wrapping my first hand around it, my finger tips barely touching each other.

Shade inhales sharply, "Good. Now go up and down, changing the pressure in your hand. Then you can add the other when you're comfortable."

I do as he says, going up and down his dick with my hand. As I do that with one hand, I lean closer to him and put my other hand through his hair, kissing down his jawline and neck. 

He groans in pleasure, "Fuck Echo."

I start moving faster and tighter around him, my core getting hot and tingly. As I kiss down his neck, he puts his face into my head, moaning into my hair.

"Take off your shirt," I whisper. 

"Take off yours," he challenges whilst taking his off. 

I do the same, revealing my braless chest to him. I resume moving my hand along him as I kiss his bare chest now. He grabs my shoulders, rocking my body against him. I continue to pump him until he moans loudly, and comes. 

An Echo in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now