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"Jessa," Cedric says while pressing his lips to my head making his words muffled

"Yes?" I say while turning around from cleaning my closet. I was thinking about that letter and that fucking dream that woke everyone up.

"What are you doing?" He says groggily while pulling me in for a hug

"I couldn't fall asleep" I press the side of my head into his chest

"You could've woken me up," He says combs my hair with his long ass fingers "You looked cute sleeping"

"Oh really?" He kisses the top of my forehead

"I'm going to get a dress for the Yule ball today" I look up at him

"Can I come with you?" He smiles

"No, it has to be a surprise" I chuckle and drop my head back into his chest

"Fine" He pulls back from the hug and looks at his watch

"I have to go" He sighs as he starts walking to my door then opens it,

"Where are you going?" I ask

"I have to study," He says shortly then leaves and closes the door behind him.


"Madam Malkin just makes dress robes," I say as we walk into Madam Malkin's shop in Diagon Ally

"You'll see" Nia smirks while walking into the shop,

"Hello ladies," Madam Malkin says

"Hello Malle, we need Dresses," Nia says. Right away Madam Malkin walks into a backroom

"I told you" Nia nudges me

"The backroom is open for you both" Madam Malkin says sweetly

"Thank you, Malle," Nia says while pulling me into the back room.

We get into the room and see rows and rows of dresses. Gold, silver, red, all of the colors you could think of were in this small room,

"Bloody hell, this is amazing" I gasp

"I know! Come on" Nia grabs my arm and pulls me further into the room

I grab at least three dresses and go into a changing room "What about this one?" I say while walking out of the changing room to show Nia

I grab at least three dresses and go into a changing room "What about this one?" I say while walking out of the changing room to show Nia

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"Try another" Nia faintly says while still sorting through dresses

"This one?"

"This one?"

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